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you killed someone so you got into combat with them ... its natural zone you should not kill if you wanna buy stuffs from vendors cause if you do they will become enemy with you
Because you need to get reputation to Exalted with Tanaris.


Nope, you don't need reputation, he just attacked hordie and these goblins/vendor passed from neutral to enemy, that is the reason they attack him.


Just get out of combat for couple of minutes, don't attack horde and they should return back to neutral.

Nope, you don't need reputation, he just attacked hordie and these goblins/vendor passed from neutral to enemy, that is the reason they attack him.


Just get out of combat for couple of minutes, don't attack horde and they should return back to neutral.


Its either that or he has decreased reputation with tanaris such as "hated"

Its either that or he has decreased reputation with tanaris such as "hated"


Might be possible aswell, but its more likely he attacked horde since reputation with Tanaris is hard to decrease.


We should take both possibilities as true and wait for gamerchik's reply.


Ye, but most likely he killed a low level or some other player form opposite faction and npc's started attacking him.


But if that's the case then do as they said, go away from the place for 3 minutes (You can also re-log, it should work)


Then try talking with the NPC.


Tell us if your problem is solved.

i dont attacked anyone, i teleported there and instanlty they attacked me, when i used Vanish i'am in combat and they attack me again...


Raise the reputation then. Kill bloodsail mobs around booty bay.

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