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Insulting my Father and my Mother....

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This dude is insulting my Mother and say smthing over my Dad....

Name: Sponrogue

Real: Pandawow-Fun

Reason: Insltung Family




There is the proof...

He ask for a ress is just say not i dont like you then this...


Be nice and do smthing pls.... It isnt funny to insult the Family and you all know that!


rules for screenshots:


  • Make sure that your proof have good resolution and on this screenshot/video we can see the nickname of violator.
  • Screenshot shouldn't have editing, inscriptions, cutting.
  • f you have several screenshots on one link (for example on http://imgur.com), write that, so we don't miss them.
  • It's better to load them using a picture hosting for better quality:http://imgur.com/ | http://prntscr.com/ | http://postimage.org/

rules for screenshots:


  • Make sure that your proof have good resolution and on this screenshot/video we can see the nickname of violator.
  • Screenshot shouldn't have editing, inscriptions, cutting.
  • f you have several screenshots on one link (for example on http://imgur.com), write that, so we don't miss them.
  • It's better to load them using a picture hosting for better quality:http://imgur.com/ | http://prntscr.com/ | http://postimage.org/



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