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Which comp is the strongest in the arena?  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Which comp is the strongest in the arena?

    • WLS (warlock+warrior+shaman)
    • WMS (warrior+mage+shaman)
    • WMD (warrior+mage+druid)
    • MLS (mage+warlock+shaman)
    • LSD (warlock+shaman+druid)
    • TSG (dk+warrior+shaman)
    • KFC (hunter+warrior+shaman)
    • PHS (paladin+hunter+shaman)
    • RMD (rogue+mage+druid)
    • Shadowcleave (dk+warlock+shaman)
    • Turbo (shaman+warrior+druid)
    • Wizard (mage+shaman+druid)
    • Ebola (dk+monk+paladin)
    • Jungle (druid+hunter+shaman)
    • RLS (rogue+warlock+shaman)

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first of all, u can call me scrub, u can call me no skill, but u just cant call me random thats for sure, i played with Wexewellence and we did good but idk where he is now tho, noneed doesn't play kfc does he? and i haven't seen cambezy for like an year already and smexaxaxa is an abuser, i wanna try with Buseleyqt or smthin he seems to be decent
because above 2.9k only 7 hunters: eccay, hitdown, мальчишка, wexewellence , cambezy, cороки, guess who.

cороки not playing at pandawow, cambezy playing with waaz (hls) and noneed (kfc), hitdown playing phs with his gay friends, мальчишка left server after 10th ban and start playing in another place, eccay will not play with you because you are just random dk.

i played with him. in 3s he also know what to do. but his mate conejjot have no clue what to do.

just lost every arena with conejjot and emalkay vs noneed. :D and rape noneed with another warrior and healer.

so you can get 2.5-2.6k hunter and try with him or your last chance (if u want to get hunter from top20) asking wexewellence about 3v3.


at least you didnt included you this hunter list since you r just a dog


lol just don't wanna see too much /w about asking arena... already too much guys like you are writing to me :D

but we know that i am best hunter atm.

check eccay stream ;) even eccay understand this when he did 0 traps.

today i 2-0 funk's tsg as ELe/ dk / rdru

Seems even more broken [ATTACH=CONFIG]115858[/ATTACH]



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Posted (edited)



Edited by Takaa. <3
today i 2-0 funk's tsg as ELe/ dk / rdru

Seems even more broken [ATTACH=CONFIG]115858[/ATTACH]


what about i dont play like 20 days , playing with 480p quality and 19 fps? i think you won't forget the 4-0 or something


i'm playing fair here.

here problems that Lock opie op (too much dmg, not only affliction, even destro 350k chaosbolt should be 100-200k critical dmg), Unholy DK opie op (too much dmg because can use spells without runes), Arms Warrior opie op (too much scripters), MW Monk opie op (orbboters everywhere), Mage opie op (ice lance 80k noncrit, 8x times pyroblast without cast 100k-120k crit).

oh u can say that hunters are opie op, but this is bullshit. here explossive shot 9k critical dmg sometimes. if you want i can post some screenshots if you don't belive (you can even check eccay stream (twitch.tv/tekilaqt) and see that 9k is nothing, because at retail it hit 30-80k , i mean 30 k noncrit and 80k crit if you pop everything i mean both trinket + enchating from weapon)

i'm playing fair here.

here problems that Lock opie op (too much dmg, not only affliction, even destro 350k chaosbolt should be 100-200k critical dmg), Unholy DK opie op (too much dmg because can use spells without runes), Arms Warrior opie op (too much scripters), MW Monk opie op (orbboters everywhere), Mage opie op (ice lance 80k noncrit, 8x times pyroblast without cast 100k-120k crit).

oh u can say that hunters are opie op, but this is bullshit. here explossive shot 9k critical dmg sometimes. if you want i can post some screenshots if you don't belive (you can even check eccay stream (twitch.tv/tekilaqt) and see that 9k is nothing, because at retail it hit 30-80k , i mean 30 k noncrit and 80k crit if you pop everything i mean both trinket + enchating from weapon)


i totally agree. ure so smart, why are you so smart?

  • Like 1
i'm playing fair here.

here problems that Lock opie op (too much dmg, not only affliction, even destro 350k chaosbolt should be 100-200k critical dmg), Unholy DK opie op (too much dmg because can use spells without runes), Arms Warrior opie op (too much scripters), MW Monk opie op (orbboters everywhere), Mage opie op (ice lance 80k noncrit, 8x times pyroblast without cast 100k-120k crit).

oh u can say that hunters are opie op, but this is bullshit. here explossive shot 9k critical dmg sometimes. if you want i can post some screenshots if you don't belive (you can even check eccay stream (twitch.tv/tekilaqt) and see that 9k is nothing, because at retail it hit 30-80k , i mean 30 k noncrit and 80k crit if you pop everything i mean both trinket + enchating from weapon)


You're a fucking lying disgrace. Shut the fuck up and take your own life. I never react to something in such a negative way, but you're the sole exception. There's nobody on this planet that disgusts me as much as you do.

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