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Mage/Priest Hacking with MC

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Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat): Blasphemian and russian priest

Realm, where you saw the violation: xFun

Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably): The mage uses pom poly on you, the priest casts Mind Control, guess he fly hacks or something, and you die from fall damage.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

Proof: screenshots or video. I get deep into poly, priest casts MC, you can watch time in stopwatch: http://imgur.com/t0y9wxr

I get teleported somewhere, guess with flyhack, and i keep falling down: http://imgur.com/c1K4D49

I keep falling: http://imgur.com/VqCb5qj

Dead: http://imgur.com/yWFsKry

Comments to the situation (if it needed). Please just permaban them, and take out the rating from them since they're like 2.1 now cuz of this bugabuse, it's ridiculous.

Posted (edited)

Cool flyhacks bro.


Извиняюсь, но как же доманали пацаны, которые в мк любят либо юзнуть телепорт, либо попробовать летать, при этом улетаю в текстуры и разбиваясь, потом наделать репортов из-за этого и сидеть надеяться на лучшее.

Edited by ruzke
I get teleported somewhere' date=' guess with flyhack[/quote']



Yo ! :D They bugged you so you FELL down the map, a known dipshit bug in ratwow.


But the problem is, when the mage deeps you, it INSTANTLY oneshots you for some reason.

Met them also today, did the same thing. MC and instant dead. Tried to talk with these monkeys about why they do this, they replied with "what hacks, l2p issues kekbur xd". Need to purge this filth asap.
Met them also today, did the same thing. MC and instant dead. Tried to talk with these monkeys about why they do this, they replied with "what hacks, l2p issues kekbur xd". Need to purge this filth asap.


let me create another forum acc, and wrote the same.

Pardon? Anyways why do u defend these hackers so much here? Are you one of em? Atleast seems like it.


vous-êtes fou


- - - Добавлено - - -


btw, warlock has good bugged armor, mortals 25k, slams 40k crit.

Ye? Are you sure about dat, lol, i saw I spectate u...


It's funny cuz i'm not the only one saying it, and i've been playing this server for over 2 years and never needed a hack to get high rating. I'm pretty sure you're either the mage or the priest, so gtfo and l2p.

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