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Rating/MMR Gains [Updated]


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Issue: MMR System

Realm: Cross Server


Whats wrong:


1. Maximum rating that is able to win atm is +23 (When you ultrapass 1.5 personal CR), under 1.5, you are able to win +48.

2. Your MMR Gains after some win streaks does not increase effectively extraordinarily.


How it should be:


1. You should be able to win +96 max rating depending on what team mmr/cr you face. For example (2.4 mmr team vs 2.5 mmr, should not be +23, and yes way higher points, because the mmr still high check thread on last topic)

2. MMR Gains should be increased according to winning streaks, for example, 20-0 your mmr is areadly 2.4


Priority: I cant even describe this priority.

Retail Threads / Proofs to help Understanding: Gonna add according to post comments!




Click here when you enter on the link:









Please who got more proofs or threads to help understanding, feel free to comment.

Special Thanks to:



Edited by Worstworld
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Would be also appreciated if people could link arena footages where people play alot of games so we can see their mmr / rating gain



Bajheera, first game as wls : 2611, 2661, 2788, 2795, 2802, Facing all of them 2.5 mmr teams


Idk if its cutted, but might help understanding

Edited by Worstworld
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Perhaps one of the most important threads on PandaWoW presently.


I am unable to contribute to this in any way - although I urge you to focus on fixing this, it is definitely a 10/10 which many people would love to see fixed and working blizzlike

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Perhaps one of the most important threads on PandaWoW presently.


I am unable to contribute to this in any way - although I urge you to focus on fixing this, it is definitely a 10/10 which many people would love to see fixed and working blizzlike


Totally agreed


- - - Updated - - -


And fix mw eminence please it’s a urgent bug since 3 years already


With xuen burst heal working properly

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And what this fix will change? That Akuyama or someone else will have 4000+ rating in the end of season? I just don't understand. It's not mechanic things, it's not balance things, it's just raiting gain. ALL players in the same conditions and receive the same amount of rating as you.
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And other question, according to information from:


Let's say it's your first game. Your team rating is 0 and your MMR is 1500. Let's also say you're playing against another exactly 1500 team. You win, so your TEAM rating goes up the maximum (96 pts.) because of the large difference between their MMR and your team rating. Your MMR will also go up by the even-match-value, which I think is 14 (maybe 12?). That can vary because MMR is responsive to streaks, but basically that's what happens.


You gain 96 rating if , let's say, diff between your rating

So I've created a character it's MMR = 1500, CR = 0.

I make 10 wins, now my CR = 960, MMR = 1500 + 10 * 12 = 1620.

Let's make 5 wins more, now my CR = 960 + 480 = 1440, MMR = 1620 + 5 * 12 = 1680.

And I need to make 1680-1440 = 240 . 240 / 96 = 2.5 , let's say 3 games, and after 3 games my CR will be = 1728, and MMR = 1716.

So they're very close now, even my CR is higher than CR. And what will be after? I will receive the same rating now? So +12 by 1 win?

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And what this fix will change?


That we don't have to play 100 games to finall get 2.2 mmr lol


That Akuyama or someone else will have 4000+ rating in the end of season?


That's not how it works. You won't get alot or much rating on high mmr. +96 is not possible anymore on higher rating. The rating gain slows down on high rating. So i think our RATING GAIN on like 3k + mmr is fine atm. Because atm on Pandawow the max you can get is +23 and i think on 3k+ mmr on retail you couldnt get more aswell. It helps you to get rating in the beginning. Thats also why everyone complains about 3k xp player playing on ~1.7 mmr because they simply won't get more mmr



I just don't understand.


We (the higher rated player (2k+ )) are just bored of fighting low xp'd teams for around 100 games. That's just not how MMR should work. The system should react to the fact that you are better than the enemy teams on your mmr. Right now it does but super slow so you've to farm 80-90 another lowrated teams to get a decent mmr


You gain 96 rating if , let's say, diff between your rating

So I've created a character it's MMR = 1500, CR = 0.

I make 10 wins, now my CR = 960, MMR = 1500 + 10 * 12 = 1620.

Let's make 5 wins more, now my CR = 960 + 480 = 1440, MMR = 1620 + 5 * 12 = 1680.

And I need to make 1680-1440 = 240 . 240 / 96 = 2.5 , let's say 3 games, and after 3 games my CR will be = 1728, and MMR = 1716.

So they're very close now, even my CR is higher than CR. And what will be after? I will receive the same rating now? So +12 by 1 win?


I don't really get this calculation but i don't understand how your mmr can be lower than your rating after winning games.

Edited by Noneedholy
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"That seems a bit confused: a team with 0 rating but a high mmr from last season won't queue into people with 0 rating, they will queue into people with similarly high mmr, sorry if I'm just not getting soething :)


But I agree with the 96 ratin thing 100%. The way you gain rating is with some formula, which they have doubled for cataclysm. In wotlk when leveling a team you would get 48, twice the 24 points you get for a victory against a "better" team. Now you get 96 while leveling up your rating to your mmr which is double the 48 points you will get for beating a much higher ranked team.


The formula works within some range according to your actual rating against the other teams mmr, so once you have stopped gaining points rapidly because your mmr is many hundreads of points too low, you should be getting 1-48 (depending on the mmr of the other team compared to your actual rating, to reiterate).


Match making isn't something you need to worry about really, it is the level you are playing at. The visible rating of your team should get to a stable point quite soon, and that is all blizzard lets you be concerned about (annoyingly). =)"


will be posting more memes as the day goes on

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+ also, you should probably open up PTR to some better players and test out the new MMR system. (if you havent noticed already, Cata/Mop MMR = wotlk mmr x2, so you gain 48 per win in wotlk, you gain 96 in mop, you gain 12 in wotlk, you gain 24 in mop.) just apply this formula to the PTr and let people play test it, best/easiest solution.
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"That seems a bit confused: a team with 0 rating but a high mmr from last season won't queue into people with 0 rating, they will queue into people with similarly high mmr, sorry if I'm just not getting soething :)


But I agree with the 96 ratin thing 100%. The way you gain rating is with some formula, which they have doubled for cataclysm. In wotlk when leveling a team you would get 48, twice the 24 points you get for a victory against a "better" team. Now you get 96 while leveling up your rating to your mmr which is double the 48 points you will get for beating a much higher ranked team.


The formula works within some range according to your actual rating against the other teams mmr, so once you have stopped gaining points rapidly because your mmr is many hundreads of points too low, you should be getting 1-48 (depending on the mmr of the other team compared to your actual rating, to reiterate).


Match making isn't something you need to worry about really, it is the level you are playing at. The visible rating of your team should get to a stable point quite soon, and that is all blizzard lets you be concerned about (annoyingly). =)"


will be posting more memes as the day goes on


+ also, you should probably open up PTR to some better players and test out the new MMR system. (if you havent noticed already, Cata/Mop MMR = wotlk mmr x2, so you gain 48 per win in wotlk, you gain 96 in mop, you gain 12 in wotlk, you gain 24 in mop.) just apply this formula to the PTr and let people play test it, best/easiest solution.


The best posts!

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+ also' date=' you should probably open up PTR to some better players and test out the new MMR system. (if you havent noticed already, Cata/Mop MMR = wotlk mmr x2, so you gain 48 per win in wotlk, you gain 96 in mop, you gain 12 in wotlk, you gain 24 in mop.) just apply this formula to the PTr and let people play test it, best/easiest solution.[/quote']


At the moment the activity of QA testers on pvp area is slow, probabbly to test this mmr system better it will be needed.

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At the moment the activity of QA testers on pvp area is slow' date=' probabbly to test this mmr system better it will be needed.[/quote']

on this topic, @zeox, stop bsing all the time that you don't have time. dont respond to my suggestion about letting people on ptr to test MMR by saying "oh no no, i have to make account for everybody and it take me a lot of time that i dont have" it will take you at most 10 minutes to make 10 accounts, and such effort will reward you with greater things in the future. Open for discusion, make pandawow great again.

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Current propositions.




Start by doubling the CR/MMR gains. (*2/x2). Make it so you get 96 per win, if your MMR is less then the team you won againts. After that is finished, the play testers that actually understand how MMR works (E.G Noneed, Akuyama ETC.) will guide you on how to fix MMR past the point of what I just said. Deductable reasoning, you see if it works, if it doesnt, fix it, etc.



Play tester for said MMR changes on PTR



Some specific people that are well inputed on the game such as E.G Noneed, Akuyama, ETC. should get a temporary account for the PTR on which they will test the MMR changes. They will be provided with full prideful gear, a working cross server. Access to Game Master commands is not important, and should not be given.


Atleast 9-10 2v2/3v3 teams are needed to test this.




This will ensure that it was actually tested with as many players as possible, well inputed players. Just the QA team alone is not enough. If this gets fixed, be sure that you can proudly say that PandaWoW is the first private Mist of Pandaria server that has 100% working Arena MMR.


I am open for discussion, thank you for your time.




Some pictures for reference on how MMR worked on retail. If you look at the chat, you will see displayed current mmr/cr and enemy mmr, and how much CR you gained/lost.


https://imgur.com/a/TvoLE ----> Provided by Surprize (Qwanya) Thanks.

Edited by MiloradV2
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