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wintrading in 3v3

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Name: Botabu


Name: Nokhilol (Roguetrainer)


Realm: Fun


Description: Wintrading in 3v3, Abu and Roguetrainer are "famous" wintraders, DDoSers and scammers, they were both banned last season for wintrading and the season before that one too.

They keep scamming new accounts promising unsuspecting victims that they will play their character to rank 1 rating then change the details so the original owner can no longer play on their own account then wintrading and ddosing everybody, as soon as they are banned they scam a new account then return, they are a menace to our community


Proof: https://i.gyazo.com/7a4061b377166b9df507824ee80e3ed5.png

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They keep scamming new accounts promising unsuspecting victims that they will play their character to rank 1 rating then change the details so the original owner can no longer play on their own account

How can u change details without having the accounts email?

Nice proof btw haAHAAAAAAA


- - - Updated - - -


Hello gemaster plis ben this pleyer rogtrener he is very bad he steal account and blabla kapappapapaapapapapapa LOOOOOL akuyama !!!

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I wish Zeox would be a little impulsive here and there. Hope life shits on you real good, waste of air.


If you have a brain don't give them any attention and never give away your account to such kids, they do anything required to have a little fun and rush for being "bad boys" on a private server. Pathetic as on retail xD

Edited by Autschbatsch
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