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Launcher problems

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:mad: I've contacted many people to help me solve this issue, I've entered the proper information for my account in order to log into the game through the launcher, Everytime i enter my info it says its incorrect, Whats odd is that i can log into the other version of the game (The non launcher version) perfectly fine, with no issues or hiccups at all. But once i use the launcher it says everything is wrong, i've checked my information many times, and i've redownloaded the launcher 4 times, restarted my internet router just in case it has something to do with that. And i've come to the conclusion that it's something to do with the launcher, many of my friends have the same issue as well. I was told to change my password but a friend of mine (Whom i haven't spoken to in a year) owns the email that is on the account and it will not let me change it. Someone please help, or send an admin please, because i enjoy this server (And spending stupid amounts of money on it for some reason) and i wish to continue to grind out BGs and Arenas. Thank you.
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SET enterWorld "1"

SET hwDetect "0"

SET videoOptionsVersion "5"

SET gxApi "D3D9"

SET gxWindow "1"

SET gxMaximize "0"

SET maxAnimThreads "1"

SET mouseSpeed "1"

SET Gamma "1.000000"

SET readTOS "1"

SET lastReadTOS "50407"

SET readEULA "1"

SET lastReadEULA "50407"

SET accounttype "MP"

SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"

SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"

SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"

SET farclip "200"

SET particleDensity "80"

SET reflectionMode "0"

SET environmentDetail "50"

SET textureFilteringMode "0"

SET terrainLodDist "200"

SET wmoLodDist "100"

SET terrainTextureLod "1"

SET terrainMipLevel "1"

SET worldBaseMip "2"

SET weatherDensity "3"

SET gameTip "1"

SET locale "enUS"

SET installLocale "enUS"

SET realmlist "mop.logon.firestorm-servers.com"

SET realmName "PandaWoW Fun"

SET accountName "sinses"

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