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Abusing raid combat & resurrecting players mid-fight

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1. Althezam (http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-4874790.html)


2. Abusing raid combat system & resurrecting players mid-fight giving their raid a massive advantage.


3. X100


4. 05/07/2018 - 4:31:00 AM ( GMT )


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL6qy1olvJs&feature=youtu.be


6. N/A Video speaks for itself.


Players inside the raid: Althezam, Chamaex, Astralord, Genievere, Nømercyh, Lacriss, Rushifa, Majan, Therkiller.


hahaha why do people do this. So annoying to play unfairly, SCREW YOU MARVEL MAN! even though I love you.


+1 for the report :popcorn:

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