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Running low on titles?


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Season has ended and players that top 10 3s players will get Ruthless gladiator title, so im assuming the next one is Cataclysmic season, so we got approximately 5 seasons to go, and after those what rank one titles are we going to get, are you going to add WoD and legion titles aswell?


Probably just gonna start with the first title again, doubt they'll add custom or titles from newer expansions. Would like to see custom titles added though, would be cool.

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Already deleted. Only r1 left.
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yea but after we receive titles for this season, next season its gonna be deleted again? then whats point of getting anything that is not r1, a really dumb move, if yall think that its gonna motivate people to get r1 you are wrong.


What's the point to play on server, where most of chars are duelists etc? It was made for people to start playing 3s.But still idk why Gladiator titles are deleted... You can earn it only playing 3s bracket :confused:

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What's the point to play on server, where most of chars are duelists etc? It was made for people to start playing 3s.But still idk why Gladiator titles are deleted... You can earn it only playing 3s bracket :confused:


Yeah sadly people like you wont even get duelist because you are garbage.


You are probably the only DK who stucks on 2k btw

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