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Pets - Autotoggle

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1. Pets - Abilities

2. [spoiler=Issues:]


Pet abilties don't save if they are toggled or not when joining arena.



3. [spoiler=How it should be:]

1 Pet abilties should save if they are toggled or not when joining arena.










I set up bars - joined arena at 5min ~










4. 24 October 2018

5. xFun

6. 4/10 annoying as hell to toggle every single time joining arena

Edited by Autschbatsch
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works at least for warlock pets.

"proof" is empty


Sorry I was lazy here. Look, if you resummon another kind of pet it will never safe if an ability is toggled or not. Meaning if I join arena with Fellhunter active or dead, when I join arena and summon an Imp it won't have anything toggled nor actionbar saved. ( other subject )


This is likely the case with any newly summoned pet. If I get time I'll do a recording of all the bugs with bars of pets but you'll figure it fast.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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