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Battle Ground Raid Frames bug

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1. Raid frames


2. Raid frames gets desynced upon someone leaving or joining after someone leaving. Only way to sync the frames back is by /reload the interface. Which could lead someone ti die since reload takes 5-10 sec. That is enough for someone to get killed while you are trying to /reload your raid frames.

Pandawow demo:

When paladin left raid frames got instantly bugged.



Similar report since 2017: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=226790


3. Fun / x 100


4. 10/10 Healers need to have to be able to target via raid frames. Otherwise you whole team will die :(

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Thnx Matroskin. Good alternative for a person who doesn't use any additional addons that are specifically scripted for official blizz frames. I tested your addon however it doesn't interact with bigdebuffs. Neither does it show buffs that it shows on regular frames. Perhaps Devs can extract frame refresh .lua code from your addon and apply it over the default one. Would have been nice x

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This addon can be modified to show large icon of spells which need to dispell, it has bigdebuffs functional in his code, also if you have tomtom it use navigation arrow. To unlock bigdebuffs functional need some fork it. Edited by Яъъ
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