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Одно кд на все сложности рейда.

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1. КД на рейдв

2. На сервере одно кд на все сложности - 10 об, 10 героик, 25 об, 25 героик, хотя должны быть разные.

3. На все сложности должен быть разные кд, а не одинаковые.

4. 25.07.2021

5. Х5

6. Приоритет проблемы - 10/10.

  \ said:
В этой статье как раз сказано' date=' что кд на героическую сложность и обычное разное.[/quote']


И ещё,там для не внимательных написано в начале не про пандарию а про ВоД

В варлордс оф дренор поменяли систему кд

Вопрос как раз в том, что в актуале да, на 10 и 25 было одно кд, но на героик и обычную сложность разные.
  • Developers
Posted (edited)
All I see now are empty words, provide information which proves that we have made a false lockout system with retail data or I will close this thread. And this information needs to mirror Pandaria expansion, not Warlords of Draenor, because system you described above was introduced in WoD. Edited by Scorpionz
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You have proves, that it is work as it is must be?

Also in blizzard states is an information, that characters can obtain loot from normal and heroic in the same CD.

Мне интересно, вот ты пишешь, что должно быть разное кд, и тебе даже в голову не приходит, что этой системе на сервере уже месяцев 9, и вдруг ты такой единственный гений обнаружил баг с тем, что на хм и об одно кд. До этого то все 5-6к+ уникальных игроков этого никак не замечали.
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Замечали, забили просто.

Всегда на гер и об было разное кд.

На сервере конкурентов работает так же (правильно) и там никто не возмущается. Это только дети лич-кинга бузят. Это сделали только в дреноре о том,о чём ты говоришь

  • Developers
Posted (edited)

Thread was closed, but I would like to continue this "discussion".


You have 5 posts in this thread, yet zero contain something we can call VALID information. All I saw so far was "it should be like that, because I said that".

  Headin said:
Also in blizzard states is an information, that characters can obtain loot from normal and heroic in the same CD.

Link to source? I hope it's Pandaria expansion, not WotLK or Wod btw.


  Headin said:
You have proves, that it is work as it is must be?

Took me time to find my lockout thread which was based on Blizzard BluePosts (2012-2013), but special for you:


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[spoiler=2) Loot-based Lockout:]

This type of lockout is used in the following in-game content:


• Raid Finder;

• Flexible Raids;

• World Bosses;


How does it work:

• Player is able to defeat a boss as many times as he likes in current reset, but loot can only be received once.

• Player is able to join anyone's group / instance - player's current progress does not affect it.

• Player does not receive a boss-based lockout, but a loot-based lockout, which means it's possible to always go back later and defeat bosses that you’ve skipped by joining a group that had progressed further.

• Player does not receive lockout on encounter, if his group manages to defeat a boss while player is offline.




[spoiler=3) Flexible Boss-based Lockout:]

This type of lockout is used in the following in-game content:

• Wrath of the Lich King Raids on 10 Normal & 25 Normal Mode;

• Cataclysm Raids on 10 Normal & 25 Normal Mode;

• Mists of Pandaria Raids on 10 Normal & 25 Normal Mode;


How does it work:

• There is a shared lockout between 10 Normal, 25 Normal, 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic difficulty.

• Player is only allowed to defeat each boss once in current raid week and is not able to enter an instance where this boss is alive.

• Player is able to move from group to group during current raid week as long as he is trying to join instances that don’t have bosses alive that he has already defeated.

• If player enters an instance that is more progressed than him and manages to defeat at least one boss - player will also get locked to all prior bosses.

• Player is able to move between 10 and 25 raid size as long as this player has followed all the previous rules.

• Player does not receive lockout on encounter, if his group manages to defeat a boss while player is offline.




[spoiler=4) Strict Instance-based Lockout:]

This type of lockout is used in the following in-game content:

• Dungeon Finder: Specific Heroic Mode Dungeons;

• Heroic Mode Dungeons;

• Classic Raids;

• The Burning Crusade Raids;

• Wrath of the Lich King Raids on 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic Mode;

• Cataclysm Raids on 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic Mode;

• Mists of Pandaria Raids on 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic Mode;


How does it work:

• There is a shared lockout between 10 Normal, 25 Normal, 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic difficulty.

• Instance progress is tied to unique instance ID. Once player is tied to a unique instance ID, he may not enter any other versions of that raid on that difficulty during current raid week. (For example player has defeated 3/14 bosses, he will not be able to join another group (with different unique instance ID). No matter if this group has less, equal or higher progress than this player).

• If other players manage to progress that instance while you are absent, the progress they made will also update in your raid lockout, because progress is tied to the instance, and not your character.

• Player is not able to switch between 10-player and 25-player raid size once locked to one size.




Lockout Reset Times:


• Raids & World Bosses: Every Wednesday at 8:00 Server Time.

• Heroic Dungeons: Every Day at 8:00 Server Time.




Edit: Link to Sources:

- https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/gb-en/12822112588-raid-lockout-systems/

- https://www.wowhead.com/news/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system-169667

- https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/18367

- https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1330856-Normal-raid-lockouts-in-Pandaria

- https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/during-mop-did-normal-and-heroic-raids-shared-lockouts/158360/6

Edited by Scorpionz
  • Developers

No answer from author, thread closed (again).

Lockout system is correct (I think I explained enough already), Blizzard used it in Pandaria (Shared lockout between 10N25N10H25H (Boss-Based Lockout); Separate Cooldown for LFR and Flex (Loot-Based Lockout)). If I'm not wrong, system was already introduced in Cataclysm and then it was changed in Warlords of Draenor to something that author described in this thread.


I personally don't support our current system, but administration decided to use Blizzard MoP lockout system on this project. Lockout system was not developed by me that's why I do not speak for it in suggestion threads (created by players) with aim to change it somehow.

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