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Glyph of Resilient Grip

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1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=59309

2. It doesnt reset https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 cooldown when hitting an immune during https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=131542 
3. Hitting an immune to grips target with https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 should always restore its cooldown if using that gliph (pally bubble, ice block, etc)

4. cross realm/fun realm

5. 15 april 2023

6. 6/10


Extra explanation:

https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=59309 tooltip says it RESETS the cooldown when hitting immune target, it doesn't say it prevents the cooldown from triggering (this is important to understand)

when using https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576: the cooldown triggers->you hit immune target->the cooldown gets reset (with gliph)

pvp bonus set allows you for an extra chance of hitting an immune target during 3s after the first cast (which already triggered the cooldown), so it gives the player an extra chance of reseting the already triggered cooldown with the first use 

https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 has 25sec cooldown, the player has 3s after the first use of Death Grip to cast Death Grip again, if you wait the 3 seconds and cast Death Grip again the cooldown will show at 22seconds remaining, which means the cooldown was already triggered with the first use of Death Grip, which means that hitting an immune target with any of the two usages of Death Grip should be able to reset the cooldown of the hability since the gliph function is to RESET the cooldown, not to prevent it's triggering

Case scenario to understand the mechanic of the gliph: if you grip a mage and then he ice blocks right in front of you and then you grip him again during the ice block, that should reset the deathknight grip cooldown, which would be very helpful since once the mage quits ice block and dashes away the deathknight would be able to use death grip again and bring him back since the cooldown had been reset, this is the main purpose of that gliph and right now its pretty much useless because it doesn't reset the cooldown in such scenarios

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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I closed previous report, because you didn't provide any proofs and i don't see any in this one too. It's just your opinion on how it should work.

If cd will reset on 2nd grip, it makes possible to abuse it for infinite grip.

Let's say target X has immune. So, you can use grip on someone else -> use grip on target X (cd will reset) -> use grip on someone else -> use grip on target X (cd will reset) -> use grip on someone else -> etc.

Is that how it supposed to work? It makes no sense.

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who proved that it shouldn't work how i'm saying? who decided it? it is how it was working before so either someone proved it had to be changed or it was a random change.. 

there is absolutely no difference in both Death Grips the same way there is no difference in having 2 darksouls from warlock with archimonde talent, i understand what you saying but who came up with seeing it as something that shouldn't be happening? is there any proof that supports what you are saying that shouldn't be happening? making random changes on habilities doesnt seem to be fair to me, it opens the door to many random nerfs of many classes just because "it looks op"

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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it does make sense because thats is exaclty what the gliph was designed for, to reset its cooldown when hitting immune targets.. its supposed to reset the cooldown everytime you hit a immune how that doesnt make sense to you? maybe if you guys dont like it being infinite the reset could be limited to once so the 2 grips can be reseted only once, so in my case scenario it would still work that way but in your case scenario of infinite grips it wouldn't work that way so total grips would be limited to 4 instead of infinite, but here we are speculating

it used to work exactly as u described that shouldn't work, so who made the change and why? just because it made no sense to someone without any confirmation from anywhere?

given how the gliph works and how the cooldowns of the hability are triggered it does perfect sense to me that it should reset any Death grip use not only the first one

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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5 hours ago, Ink_Forever said:

You are the one who needs to prove what you are saying, not the opposite

no, before it was working as i described and someone made the change without any proofs, so why the fuck do i have to proof anything when the change was randomly made without any proof just because it didnt make sense to someone?? a change is made without proof and then other players are asked to proof something? lets start changing mechanigs randomly without proofs and then ask other players to prove it shouldn't work the way it was randomly changed?? logically it should work exactly as it used to work, as i described

i tried to find anything about the topic and couldn't find a single person talking about the pvp bonus set for dk's on pandaria, so what do we do now? do we start making changes in spells and gliphs randomly and ask other players to proof it shouldn't be as someone randomly decided it to be?

there is no reason for this gliph to not work in any use of death grip other than because someone didn't like how it was already working..

if we are going to start making custom changes to gliphs and spells then make it so the 2nd grip use can only reset the cooldown of death grip if it hits the same target that the first death grip use hit, so the "abuse" can't happen but it still would work in the scenario i described so everyone is happy

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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В 23.04.2023 в 15:18, warlockenjoyer сказал:

no, before it was working as i described and someone made the change without any proofs, so why the fuck do i have to proof anything when the change was randomly made without any proof just because it didnt make sense to someone?? a change is made without proof and then other players are asked to proof something? lets start changing mechanigs randomly without proofs and then ask other players to prove it shouldn't work the way it was randomly changed?? logically it should work exactly as it used to work, as i described


В 23.04.2023 в 15:18, warlockenjoyer сказал:

i tried to find anything about the topic and couldn't find a single person talking about the pvp bonus set for dk's on pandaria, so what do we do now? do we start making changes in spells and gliphs randomly and ask other players to proof it shouldn't be as someone randomly decided it to be?

Previous implementation can be considered as "someone randomly decided it to be" too, because it wasn't made intentionally and without any proofs from retail.

В 23.04.2023 в 15:18, warlockenjoyer сказал:

there is no reason for this gliph to not work in any use of death grip other than because someone didn't like how it was already working..

The purpose of the glyph is that if you accidentally used death grip on immuned target, it won't be wasted. It shouldn't give you more usage of death grip than usual.

В 23.04.2023 в 15:18, warlockenjoyer сказал:

if we are going to start making custom changes to gliphs and spells then make it so the 2nd grip use can only reset the cooldown of death grip if it hits the same target that the first death grip use hit, so the "abuse" can't happen but it still would work in the scenario i described so everyone is happy

Not sure about that one. It's kinda wrong too, because it would be possible to grip someone 3 times in a row.

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it would work only in the scenarios i described where u grip someone they block or buble and then u can wait till their effect ends and grip them again since it got reset, but it wouldn't be spammeable the way you didnt like, i dont see the problem in working like that, there is no way to know how it should work other than reading tooltips and understanding game mechanics, by logic it would work as you say shouldn't work as there is no difference between the 2 charges of Death Grips, the 2nd grip doesnt have a weird name or different tooltip it's literally the same spell being able to be used again

if no one can proof anything then lets make it a middle term, that is my suggestion

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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3 hours ago, Ink_Forever said:

If no one can proof anything the middle point is to leave this thread open awaiting for proofs, sir. Have a good day, sir.

it was working a certain way and it was randomly changed just because someone didn't "feel like it made sense", that is not a fair change, what if it was working as intended and we just nerfed it because yes? for you is not a problem because u clearly dont play dk, for me it is a problem because it was a somewhat useful gliph and now is useless

Edited by warlockenjoyer
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