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  Shadrissa said:
Такое в лк не добавляем.


Уважаемая Shadrissa, а когда будут добавлены закаленные в бою предметы с последних 4-ех боссов Осады Оргриммара?

  Zeox said:
Добавлены следующие предметы:



Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon

Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji

Zao, Calfling of Niuzao



Yaungol Slayer's Headguard

Yaungol Slayer's Spaulders

Yaungol Slayer's Tunic

Yaungol Slayer's Gloves

Yaungol Slayer's Legguards

Returning Footfalls

Ebonhold Shoulderpads

Ebonhold Armor

Ebonhold Gauntlets

Ebonhold Girdle

Ebonhold Boots

Ebonhold Leggings

Inferno Forged Boots



Wristguards of Vengeance

Belt of Absolute Zero

Belt of the Ferocious Wolf

Sky Strider Belt

Legplates of Carnage

Plated Abomination Ribcage

Shroud of Dominion

Bracers of Cooled Anger

Pauldrons of Swift Retribution



Nerubian Slavemaker

The Eye of Nerub

Whitefin Axe

Amber Messenger

Terestian's Stranglestaff

Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King

Tyrannical Gladiator's Greatsword

Finkle's Lava Dredger

Dirkee's Superstructure

Seismic Bore



Mantle of the Shattered Vale

Legwraps of the Shattered Vale

Handwraps of the Shattered Vale

Helm of the Shattered Vale

Robes of the Shattered Vale

Salt Water Sandals

Bracers of Purified Spirit

Dragonmaw Emergency Strap

Thunderheart Pauldrons

Shadow Heart Spaulders

Legguards of Failing Purification

Caridean Epaulettes

Beauty's Chew Toy



Sharpened Twilight Scale

Slayer's Crest

Might of the Ocean

Grace of the Herald



Nautilus Ring



Twitching Shadows

Polychromatic Visionwrap


Took you long enough you noob.

  Xxukmann said:

Это вещи контента Пандария их никто не будет ставить за 100 бонусов минимум 250-300 бонусов

Теперь открой лк магазин броня кожа и там будет кожаный сет 528 и шмотки по 100 бон

Дорогая администрация,прошу добавить в лк на реалм x100 данные предмены.


Seal of Eternal Sorrow

Bracers of Purified Spirit

Salt Water Sandals

Павшие защитники

Purehearted Cricket Cage

Shoulders of the Roiling Inferno


Confident Grips

Boots of Broken Reliance

Ша Гордыни

Gaze of Arrogance

Self-Reflecting Mask

Necklace of Fading Light

Prismatic Prison of Pride


Drakebinder Greatstaff

Dragonmaw Emergency Strap



  blizzard1461 said:
Дорогая администрация,прошу добавить в лк на реалм x100 данные предмены.


Seal of Eternal Sorrow

Bracers of Purified Spirit

Salt Water Sandals

Павшие защитники

Purehearted Cricket Cage

Shoulders of the Roiling Inferno


Confident Grips

Boots of Broken Reliance

Ша Гордыни

Gaze of Arrogance

Self-Reflecting Mask

Necklace of Fading Light

Prismatic Prison of Pride


Drakebinder Greatstaff

Dragonmaw Emergency Strap




и ничего что Ша с лутом в хм нету еще?)

  blizzard1461 said:
выбить может и нельзя а в лк должен быть.


В лк добавляются вещи, которые можно добыть игровым путем. Если лут еще не добавлен в боссов, на сайте его также не будет. Об этом написано в шапке темы.

  Shadrissa said:
В лк добавляются вещи, которые можно добыть игровым путем. Если лут еще не добавлен в боссов, на сайте его также не будет. Об этом написано в шапке темы.

Когда будет закал лут с гароша?Он уже почти месяц в игре(добавляйте побыстрей пожалуйста).

Когда будет закал лут с гароша?Он уже почти месяц в игре(добавляйте побыстрей пожалуйста).

Сделала запросы, будут применены в ближайшее время для сайта.

  Shadrissa said:
Сделала запросы, будут применены в ближайшее время для сайта.

А можно узнать цену на гер вещи(которые будут)?И желательно на закалённые гер. вещи.

  Bonjer said:
А можно узнать цену на гер вещи(которые будут)?И желательно на закалённые гер. вещи.


559 илвл = 500 бонусов.

566 илвл = 600 бонусов.

(для х100)


У меня в списке есть еще 569 илвл, не добавляла пока.

  • Administrators

Добавлены следующие предметы:



Thok's Acid-Grooved Tooth

Thok's Tail Tip

Dysmorphic Samophlange of Discontinuity

Ticking Ebon Detonator

Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman

Curse of Hubris

Black Blood of Y'Shaarj

Purified Bindings of Immerseus

Rook's Unlucky Talisman

Fusion-Fire Core

Assurance of Consequence

Prismatic Prison of Pride

Evil Eye of Galakras




Bomber's Blackened Wristwatch

Amber Parasite Wraps

Kor'kron Elite Skullmask

Seal of Karmic Return

Hopeglow Spaulders

Cord of Black Dreams

Hood of Blackened Tears

Salt Water Sandals

Bracers of Purified Spirit

Stonetoe's Tormented Treads

Shoulders of the Roiling Inferno

Robes of the Blackened Watcher

Gloves of the Golden Protector

Boots of Broken Reliance

Confident Grips

Self-Reflecting Mask

Chestguard of Seven Sacred Seals

Raiment of the Shattered Vale

Robes of the Shattered Vale

Tunic of Seven Sacred Seals

Tunic of the Barbed Assassin

Tunic of the Shattered Vale

Vest of Seven Sacred Seals

Vestment of the Shattered Vale

Unrepentant Heels

Korgra's Venom-Soaked Gauntlets

Dragonmaw Emergency Strap




Powder-Stained Totemic Treads

Bracers of Infinite Pipes

Chestguard of Toxic Injections

Shoulderguards of Intended Power

Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj

Cowl of Smoking Dreams

Chestguard of Relentless Tyranny

Puddle Punishers

Soul-Soaked Gloves

Grips of Unending Anguish

Sabatons of Defilement

Shoulderguards of Dark Meditations

Leggings of Unabashed Anger

Shadow-Binder's Kilt

Cuirass of Celestial Harmony

Hauberk of Celestial Harmony

Tunic of Celestial Harmony

Tunic of the Unblinking Vigil

Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt

Dagryn's Fuselight Bracers

Grips of Tidal Force

Bracers of Final Serenity




Icy Blood Chestplate

Calixian Bladebreakers

Gauntlets of Insane Calculations

Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief

Tusks of Mannoroth

Greathelm of the Warchief

Mantle of Looming Darkness

Chestplate of Fallen Passion

Legplates of Unthinking Strife

Bubble-Burst Bracers

Chestplate of Congealed Corrosion

Corruption-Rotted Gauntlets

Treads of Unchained Hate

Bracers of Sordid Sleep

Pauldrons of Violent Eruption

Greatbelt of Living Waters

Waterwalker Greatboots

Poisonbinder Girth

Darkfallen Shoulderplates

Shockstriker Gauntlets

Grips of the Fallen Council

Gaze of Echoing Despair

Quarantine Shoulderguards

Bracers of Blind Hatred

Rage-Blind Greathelm

Crown of Boastful Words

Greaves of Sublime Superiority

Battleplate of the Prehistoric Marauder

Battleplate of Winged Triumph

Breastplate of Cyclopean Dread

Breastplate of Winged Triumph

Chestguard of Cyclopean Dread

Chestguard of the Prehistoric Marauder

Chestguard of Winged Triumph

Thranok's Shattering Helm

Arcsmasher Bracers

Krugruk's Rigid Shoulderplates

Smoldering Drakescale Bracers

Windfire Legplates

Wristplates of Broken Doubt



[spoiler=Левая рука]

Revelations of Y'Shaarj

Festering Primordial Globule

Purehearted Cricket Cage




Britomart's Jagged Pike

Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer

Hisek's Reserve Longbow

Kil'ruk's Furious Blade

Horned Mace of the Old Ones

Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl

Korven's Crimson Crescent

Hvitserk's Formidable Shanker

Rik'kal's Bloody Scalpel

Lever of the Megantholithic Apparatus

Kor'kron Spire of Supremacy

Death Lotus Crossbow

Norushen's Shortblade

Dagryn's Discarded Longbow

Greatsword of Pride's Fall

Encapsulated Essence of Immerseus

Softfoot's Last Resort

Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic Guardian

Trident of Corrupted Waters

Gaze of Arrogance

Drakebinder Greatstaff




Signet of the Dinomancers

Devilfang Band

Asgorathian Blood Seal

Iyyokuk's Hereditary Seal

Kil'ruk's Band of Ascendancy

Seal of Eternal Sorrow

Sorrowpath Signet

Petrified Pennyroyal Ring

Reality Ripper Ring

Swift Serpent Signet

Galakrond Control Band

Extinguished Ember of Galakras




Montak's Grips of Scorching Breath

Akolik's Acid-Soaked Robes

Fusespark Gloves

Bracers of Sonic Projection

Belt of the Broken Pact

Ebon Ritual Hood

Bolt-Burster Grips

Ichor-Dripping Shoulderpads

Hood of Swirling Senses

Sha-Seared Sandals

Robes of the Tendered Heart

Shoulderpads of Dou Dou Chong

Lifebane Bracers

Bracers of Broken Causation

Blight Hurlers

Sash of the Last Guardian

Rime-Rift Shoulders

Seebo's Sainted Touch

Chronomancer Robes

Raiment of the Ternion Glory

Robes of the Horned Nightmare

Robes of the Ternion Glory

Bone-Inlaid Sandals

Scalebane Bracers

Flameslinger's Fiery Cowl

Skydancer Boots

Shoulderpads of Pulsing Protection




Gleaming Eye of the Devilsaur

Blackfuse's Blasting Cord

Immerseus' Crystalline Eye

Untainted Guardian's Chain

Necklace of Fading Light

Choker of the Final Word




Cloak of Misguided Power

Gloomwrap Greatcloak

Drape of the Despairing Pit




Norushen's Enigmatic Barrier



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Shield of Mockery
Item Level 566
Upgrade Level 0/4
Binds when picked up
Off HandShield
21715 Armor
+1228 Strength
+1963 Stamina
+808 Dodge
+856 Parry

Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +60 Strength

Durability 160 / 160
Requires Level 90
Sell Price: 34 43 22