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Class bugs (PvP)

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Hello! I'm using a translator, I hope it will be understandable.


I'm playing Subtlety Tallenten and I find that [Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest] Trinket immediately cancels Stealth even if you are Subturfuge. 


Compared to other servers and the original Mop, it's much easier to be found in stealth, for example you push a Vanish which I believe is the most powerful stelath and the enemy sees you in stealth the same way.

 Cheat Death doesn't work properly, I don't know exactly what the problem is ,but I die instantly and it doesn't throw my life back in many cases.


My main is the rogue original since I have been playing this classt on external servers. I came over here at the request of my friends but I just hate playing here because of the bugs, even though I really like the game. Please fix it!

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58 минут назад, visszatertem01 сказал:

I'm playing Subtlety Tallenten and I find that [Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest] Trinket immediately cancels Stealth even if you are Subturfuge. 


that not bug. Blizzlike feature

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