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Arena Master achievement problem

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I've been having a problem with The Arena Master achievement recently...

Problem is, that I have all the requirements + this achievement unlocked, but... title Arena Master is only on half my chars.

1. Fixing it via achievement NPC does not work because achievement is unlocked
2. Fixing characters does not work
 This achievement is acc-wide so it must be on all characters within account, it is not single character achievment like rated battleground titles such as Warlord, Marshal etc...

Prob solution will be to kinda reload this achievment on my account so it could work properly.

If the answer is that it came with different chars so it wont work on this, there are like 80% achievments by same logic which come with characters and now are acc bounded ( Mostly the ones which come with title such as Fearless, Master of the Ways etc...

Please, help me fix this problem.

P.S I could not make thread in bug tracker since that link does not open/work for me 

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