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Модели, которые не добавляются в коллекции | Items missing in collections.

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🇷🇺 Если у вас возникнут проблемы с каким-либо предметом оружия или экипировки, который отсутствует в Коллекции моделей и не добавляется в коллекцию (хотя должен), пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом, оставив ссылку на этот предмет здесь и краткое описание проблемы.



🇬🇧 If you encounter problems with any item of weapons or equipment that is missing in the Appearances Collection and is not being added to the collection (although it should), please let us know by leaving a link to this item here and a brief description of the problem.



🇨🇳 如果你在“衣橱”中遇到任何缺失的武器或装备物品,并且该物品未被添加到收藏中(尽管它应该被添加),请通过在此处留下该物品的链接和问题的简要描述来告知我们。


  • 2 weeks later...

Hey i have these items missing 


[Monster - Frostmourne, Broken (Arthas Only Special)]

[Monster - Sword2H, Ebon Blade (Green)]

[Monster - Glavie, Illidan - Black Temple (Left Hand)]

 [General's Chain Boots]

[General's Chain Gloves]  

[Warlord's Chain Chestpiece]

[Warlord's Chain Helmet]  

[Warlord's Chain Shoulders]

[General's Chain Legguards] 

[High Warlord's Chain Gauntlets]

[High Warlord's Chain Armor]  

[High Warlord's Chain Helm]

[High Warlord's Chain Leggings]  

[High Warlord's Chain Spaulders]

[Grand Marshal's Claymore]

[Lieutenant Commander's Plate Pauldrons]

[Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Gauntlets]

[Knight-Captain's Plate Chestguard]

[Knight-Captain's Plate Leggings]  

[Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Boots]


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