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If this is a bug, please report it in the correct section: Bug Tracker


But before, don't forget read the rules of that section: Rules of creating topics in this section.




That's not a bug report. I'm just asking you to add a Runeforge and a "Death Knight abilities trainer" (for Runeforging and Death Gate) in SW and the other big cities. Maybe right next to the Worgen Racials Trainer.

Edited by bloodknight2012
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  • 2 weeks later...
Could you add runeforges to the malls so that DK's can enchant their weapons? Or at least add Death Gate to the spellbook so they can go to DK land and enchant them there. Thanks in advance!


I agree with this, sounds like a good idea. And Klez this isnt even close to being a bug report! Just a suggestion

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Im on fun server, and i don't have "runeforging spell" on my spellbook, but i have seen many dk's with rune enchantment in the weapon, for example i have screen of one of this:



How do I learn this spell?? :(

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well i have it from the 5.0.5 patch, but not death gate, otherwise if u wanna go to archerus, go 1rst to twilight highlands, then archerus! there u go and can reforge, respec and have some fun whit the buged dummies, i dont go there in some times, but last time the "boss" dummy hit me pretty hard!
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