tanasko Posted April 26, 2014 Posted April 26, 2014 http://prikachi.com/images.php?images/172/7296172g.jpg wtf is that dps i am fire mage and my max crit pyroblast is 110k please repair it !!!
djugs Posted April 28, 2014 Posted April 28, 2014 ALL classes can crit high in some circumstances , im pretty sure this guy had find weakness on target + orb and trinket + pretty high grievous gear ... So its not like it was in WOTLK dude - only mages do high crits . NOPE NOT ANYMORE :)) Deal with it .
jjmatrix Posted April 28, 2014 Posted April 28, 2014 (edited) Crying... Yeah right. Look guys i dont think its normal rogue to deafeat full grevious average good (not a full pro) warrior in a duel after just 3 f****ing seconds with active Defense stance and 538k HP, right? I mean c'mon wtf is that about. In an other case begin an arena with my part. while he's just charged the other player a rogue has dropped my health in 2 seconds to 20%. If this is the way blizz intended so be it. But i highly doubt that. Edited April 28, 2014 by jjmatrix
tanasko Posted April 28, 2014 Author Posted April 28, 2014 lol djugs i am 100% sure that you have rogue just if you see me online wisp me for 1 duel (Beela) !!!
djugs Posted May 9, 2014 Posted May 9, 2014 Tanasko im pretty sure i have rogue for over 5 years in RETAIL , and i reccomend you to check and other Sensus videous and see HOW MANY SECONDS DOES IT TAKES TO HIM to kill all kind of CLASSES . Then chat , TY.And the players he defeat have EQUAL or better gear compared to him ... to cut ur crying in root .
uraganuu Posted May 10, 2014 Posted May 10, 2014 ilvl522 fire mage here, max pyroblasts while buffed reached 170k. I agree that subtlety rogues are VERY strong, but that doesn't mean they can't crit hard just as everyone else. Meanwhile, fix the stealth abuse. Really really gimp rogues get high ratings cause they can just re-sneak whenever they want, regardless of dmg on them/DoTs or interrupts. You can restealth like what...3 times max? Some rogues vanish/stealth in arenas for the 10th time and they don't get out of sneak even tho they have DoTs on them. Now all go roll rogues....
learty Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 this thread is highly inappropriate, delete it, thanks.
tanasko Posted May 22, 2014 Author Posted May 22, 2014 djugs i cant see 150k + crit , i cant see 100k .. and no i ve never been plaing rogue because for me it is very very very noob class after Cata !!!!!!
WwwRampage Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 This forum is for posting bugs not for you to show your frustration, bring proof that your class does low damage not just complaints that rogue does more damage and you do less.
toxilock Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 (edited) uraganuu said: ilvl522 fire mage here, max pyroblasts while buffed reached 170k. I agree that subtlety rogues are VERY strong, but that doesn't mean they can't crit hard just as everyone else. Meanwhile, fix the stealth abuse. Really really gimp rogues get high ratings cause they can just re-sneak whenever they want, regardless of dmg on them/DoTs or interrupts. You can restealth like what...3 times max? Some rogues vanish/stealth in arenas for the 10th time and they don't get out of sneak even tho they have DoTs on them. Now all go roll rogues.... lol dude ever heared of subterfuge? it allows them to stealth and break the stealth only 3 seconds after the get hit by something. and on topic... sub rogues are known for their crazy ass burst with evis they can hit up to 180k with it legit they are also the only class atm other then mage that counts on a small time cd (shadow dance- 1 min) to kill targets most so here is a pro tip learn to freaking pvp use your brain and know how to counter their burst in order to survive instead of complaining don't expect to live a full cds burst from a rogue without using atleast 1 defensive cd on your side because it's a freaking full cd burst!. for tht warrior who qq for being down in 3 seconds: meet shadow blades what it does is it makes the rogue damage be pure shadow damage and also increases their combo points regeneration so basicaly what it means for you if I break it simple is that your armor and added armor from defensive stance are useless against that spell for the simple reason it ignores armor since it's spell damage and not physical damage and also because that is pure spell damage eviscerate hits soo high since if without blades it can hit 80-120 crits there is no reason that while ignoring armor it won't hit 180-200k in full gear. Edited June 6, 2014 by toxilock
uraganuu Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 Don't mean to be disrespectful, I'm very much fully aware of Subterfuge. Apparently, you are not aware that there's a bug with Stealth atm, allowing stealth classes to use it A LOT more then they should. I can handle rogues on my mage pretty well, thank you, no need for you to show me how or tell me to "use my brain". I wasn't the one complaining about rogues doing high damage, I was complaining about A FEW rogues that know how to do the stealth bug and abuse it to oblivion. As a side note, if you cannot be polite when answering someone on a public forum, then don't post at all. Forums should be about communication/information and discussions on certain topics, aswell as constructive criticism when it's needed. No need to insult anyone, no need to tell others to "use their brains" or other childish talk. Remember that or you won't be able to post on this forum anymore. Have a pleasant day!
toxilock Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 ofc I'd say use your brain people just complain about rogues here they are easy to counter and + they can stealth anytime they get out of combat so ofc they will do it few times in a battle when they do manage to get out of combat is by using smoke bomb or with LOS till they get out of it didn't mean to be mean but I read what people say here and its just pointless QQ over things that are not bugged just need to be smartly countered
uraganuu Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 Besides Vanish, Stealth, Smoke Bomb, LoS and Cloak of Shadows to remove DoTs, there is a bug with stealth, trust me. I've only seen very few rogues using it, so I don't know for sure it's a use of an exploit or just random. That needs to be clarified by the developers. But there IS a stealth bug active on Fun, at least. As for people QQ-ing, they have the right to do so aswell as you have the right to counter their QQ-ing with valid arguments and proof. I just don't like it when a conversation ends up with "lol, use your brain noob, you're only 1.9k NOOB HAHAHA LOL111", instead of an actual conversation where one states something and the others agree or disagree based on pertinent arguments. Let's be civilised, shall we? :)
toxilock Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 didn't call them noobs but ok and well try to step in my shoes when I'm probably one of the few destro locks here that plays over 2k rating as double dps and I see all of this QQ for pretty much nothing but also a shitload of QQ from bugged classes I see a warr qq for rogues when rogue heals are fucked up and don't even worth the combo points spent on them not to mention energy regan is also fucked up and I get the same shit as a warlock my % of max hp heals are being affected by battle fatigue which they shouldn't and like 50% of the important things I need for pvp are broken so ofc I'm tired of this QQ from bugged classes against nerfed classes not sure about the st bug but this entire thread is just a big QQ thread about rogue's cause the thread opener couldn't play his class and not to sound offensive but with how bugged mages are here and how people are used to that bug I'm not surprised 1
uraganuu Posted June 7, 2014 Posted June 7, 2014 Over 2k as double-DPS comb is indeed great, good game for that! Anything over 1.9k and EVERY comp has a healer in it. :( This, indeed, is a QQ thread especially when it's done by a 4 button class, ie warrior. Hello, Bladestorm! :) As for energy regain for rogues, I know that Haste doesn't affect it at all, wich is a HUGE dps loss. Healing, on the other hand, is nerfed for all classes since the introduction of Battle Fatigue, unfortunately. But be honest with yourself, would you rather have it for yourself knowing that your target's heals will also preety much double up? I wouldn't! Healers in 5.4.x are incredibly hard to kill, if they know what they are doing. The only 2 ways of beating them down are either to force their mana to go oom, or really surprise them with a heavy burst inbetween silences, stuns and/or fears. I wish next patch adds some sense into this and tunes the healing even further. I don't know what bug abuse you are refering to related to mages, tho. I play a mage ever since I started here and besides that Alter Time thing that was fixed, I don't know of any other abusable spell/talent. At least not in the Fire spec. Living Bomb doesn't work good, tho, wich is also a major DPS loss. Oh, I just remembered, you might be thinking of the bug abuse in Arcane spec? You know, the one where Living Bomb alone kills you? :)
toxilock Posted June 7, 2014 Posted June 7, 2014 thread opener was a mage the warr shouldn't even be able to comment like he did over here given his bugs in damage and damage mitigation and as for mages there are 2 bugs that people abuse constantly one is the glyph of remove curse bug and glyph of blink bug and also damage wise fire mages are a bit bugged since pyroblast deals a shitload of more damage then it should on non frozen targets a mage took my hunt down yesterday without even freezing me once something is bugged with the pyro damage formula and crit chance but not sure what I haven't seen a single fire mage on retail hitting for 100k crits on non frozen targets. as for the healing part just so you know battle fatigue should not affect max hp percentage heals like second wind recuperate and the warlock's ember tap and dark regan yet here it does and it messes things up a lot for wars maybe not because of the bugged defensive stance and how they are getting carried by it but as for rogues they can't really heal because battle fatigue makes recup heal for 6k in semi good gear and that's just fucked up my warlock's pet does more damage then that. same can be told on warlocks my damage is awsome like rogue's and my defenisives are also good but when battle fatigue affects my heals when it shouldn't and I get 70k from my ember tap which should heal me for 27% of my max hp (I'm 550k hp) regardless of battle fatigue since my max hp never change and so % of max hp heals aren't supposed to be affected by it I mean 70k hp? takes me a bit to generate that ember but the ammount it heals is just not worth it 70k hp is 1 hit from a warr or a pyro from a mage not to mention BM hunters. people tend to think rogues and warlocks are OP here and "bugged" damage but infact they have legit damage like they should but in healing wise we're more fucked up then you think
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