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Mistweaver monk PvP guide !

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Hey guys !

I decided to make a guide on the mistweaver monk for pvp.

I only covered talents & glyph choices, but I can certainly continue my guide if you'd guys want to. I would certainly love to make a complete guide if you wish. Just tell me down below.

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No need for a guide when all you need to do on a mistweaver is spam healing spheres and nobody can kill you. Untill that shit gets fixed, using any other spell in MWs book is a waste of time. And I'm not referring to myself here, but to basically EVERY mistweaver I see. They just spam spheres and there's 5 people chasing them down unable to land the kill. I made a MW for the first time in my life, no ideea what the spells do, no ideea of the cooldowns, I just put healing spheres on my bar and spammed that. Versus one opponent, it's impossible to die if you do this. Versus 5 opponents, if you kite well(and I know how to kite cause my main is a mage), you won't die untill you either get stuck with 0 mana or those 5 are really good individuals and know when/how to chain CC. Really, this bug abuse is absurd and the high arena brackets are full of tards spamming healing spheres for rating. GG!

I have no intention of criticizing the OP or underevaluating his work, but untill that shit gets fixed...nobody needs a guide to play this horribly broken class.


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BTW, I can't see the thing you posted from this laptop. Maybe you showed the exact same thing I mentioned and only called it "guide" to be funny :)

No need for a guide when all you need to do on a mistweaver is spam healing spheres and nobody can kill you. Untill that shit gets fixed, using any other spell in MWs book is a waste of time. And I'm not referring to myself here, but to basically EVERY mistweaver I see. They just spam spheres and there's 5 people chasing them down unable to land the kill. I made a MW for the first time in my life, no ideea what the spells do, no ideea of the cooldowns, I just put healing spheres on my bar and spammed that. Versus one opponent, it's impossible to die if you do this. Versus 5 opponents, if you kite well(and I know how to kite cause my main is a mage), you won't die untill you either get stuck with 0 mana or those 5 are really good individuals and know when/how to chain CC. Really, this bug abuse is absurd and the high arena brackets are full of tards spamming healing spheres for rating. GG!

I have no intention of criticizing the OP or underevaluating his work, but untill that shit gets fixed...nobody needs a guide to play this horribly broken class.


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BTW, I can't see the thing you posted from this laptop. Maybe you showed the exact same thing I mentioned and only called it "guide" to be funny :)

You should actually reconsider saying that healing spheres are OP.

They might do like 80k healing outside of pvp environment, but when in a bg/arena those only do 20-30k healing which is not quite that much considering one of them costs 6k mana..

Trying to make a difference between a skilled mistweaver and an unskilled one is really easy, trust me.

But yeah, thanks for the support and I hope you liked it!

But they don't do 30k. Not on relatively geared monks. Tyrannical full set makes them heal for 80-100k and you can spam as many of them as you want, instead of 3. That's the bug that needs to be fixed. 6k mana+mana tea+mana potions and stacked on spirit and int+crit and passive regen....you can spam MANY spheres. And then there's the extraordinary kiting ability, wich makes mana even less of an issue.
But they don't do 30k. Not on relatively geared monks. Tyrannical full set makes them heal for 80-100k and you can spam as many of them as you want, instead of 3. That's the bug that needs to be fixed. 6k mana+mana tea+mana potions and stacked on spirit and int+crit and passive regen....you can spam MANY spheres. And then there's the extraordinary kiting ability, wich makes mana even less of an issue.


dont forget the bugged stun buff they get that makes all attacks miss, its ICD is missing


http://db.pandawow.me?spell=123766 can proc from it self(bug)

its means chi brew can proc 5+ stacks

reforge full crit and only then spirit

gems crit=int but remember 2 crit>1 int, its means 160 int

im have 6k spirit and 25% crit chance, and my mana is infinite

and thanks to our crit heal is much higher

i have the best guide :)

1. use healing spheres

2. spam healing spheres

until spheres get fixed, mistweaver monks doesn't need any other spell

you can easily get oom by doing that.

and also placing spheres (especially in arenas) is not quite an easy thing.

people should stop qq'ing about mw monks are long as warriors are as OP as they are.

You are just as retarded as the waste of breath in this thread... http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=50526


Get your facts together and THEN come back. until then.....GTFO idiot and go spam more bugged spheres


gcd on healing spheres is just like on retail and I don't know what you guys are qq'ing about.

don't keep saying mw monks are op. our healing spheres do like 20-35k healing in bgs/arenas so I would like you to just shut up considering warriors are OP as shit right now and no one's even giving a fuck.

Warriors are not broken. The fact that they are OP is a totally different story, tho. They got buffed and that's it. Monks, however, are bugged. Mana Tea is bugged, granting more stacks then it should. Healing Spheres are bugged because you can spam more then 3 without getting any cooldown. You can spam as many as you want, making that 20-35k/sphere not matter. They could only heal for 10k and they would still be OP in their current state. If you click fast, you get more healing. The faster you click, the more the healing. How can anyone even suggest that this spell is working right is beyond me. Fact is, you should only be able to spam 3 of them before getting blocked by it's cooldown.
So much... retard.... cannot... just.... mind...fucking....blown.... holy.... hell.... how can people think monks are working fine try killing a MW with a arms warr... if you get it right full tyrannical vs full tyrannical.... you either went VS a monk that doesn't abuse bugs or a seriously shitty monk any semi decent bug abusing monk right now is unkillable.....
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