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Developmental Suggestion for the Funserver


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It would be amazingly fun to have GM orchestrated events. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would require alot of time and/or resources. My ideea and the purpose behind it is purely fun-based. So, here it is:

Once every few months, so we don't keep the GMs too long apart from their work, it would be lovely to have a competition!


Phase one: a week before the event, the automatic broadcast system informs the playerbase that a HUGE HORRIBLE monster will invade and devastate an entire city!! Oh noo!

Send this broadcast a few times/day up untill the actual event, so everyone has a chance to find out about it and take some time to participate, if interested.

Phase two: event starts! So, remember the huge horrible monster from earlyer? That's the GM, shapeshifted into some horrible and giant looking wow creature(give ideeas on what type of mob it would be).

The purpose of this event is to make it fun/scary and entertaining.

Phase 3: The GM(monster) invades a certain city and you need the players to kill it really quick before the entire world is destroyed piece by piece. The trick is that the GM will actually fight back with nifty tricks like huge DoTs, pushbacks, spell locks and chain-fears. Make the encounter harder then any instance/boss in the game. It's gonna be an army fighting him anyway, perhaps more then 300 players, so make it tough as hell!

Phase 4: The monster, then, upon reaching 50% HP, spawns a variety of Rares wich need to be killed. Upon killing them, the big boss will be restored to about 80% HP, resulting in everyone going: "oh shit!" :)

Phase 5: Once the big boss is dead, all participants can get a vanity item/title as proof of their heroism and bravery. This item/title will ONLY be temporary, in the spirit of the event.


The ideea is basically the same old PvE bashing, but this time the mob has an actual brain. He can counter, hit hard, kill, nullify healers, cripple melees etc.

Why? Because it's fun, on one hand, and it brings more popularity to the server.

I have yet to hear about GM run events on private servers, ever. My strong belief is that this will increase it's popularity aswell as assure a different activity other then the game's itself. All we do here in pandawow is either pvp, pvm, farm or socialize. No events whatsoever.


I feel this would be very fun and welcomed by the all so bored playerbase :)

How do you guys feel about it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! I have not read all the answers, just a few of 3 pages.

I wanted to come and say my opinion, that I wanted to make an issue about the PVE.

It seems that some players including myself, are "tired" to that of PVP on the FUN server.


Yes I know this is a PVP server, 90 now, this is why I chose to play on this realm, I like many other coming from official servers, and do not feel like or have to rebuild an character or must pex 1 -. 90 Even with higher rates, believe me, it's really unbearable.


It parrait that some instance of MoP are open, the spring Terrace, the heart of the fear & the vault mogu'shan. I have not tried to do against by entry.


Personally I find very endearing FUN server, jobs are quickly, sellers composting, huge rates for this is easily mounted reputation.


What annoys me is to do as PVP, BG, Arena. In the long run you will not find it a bit boring? You tell me, "You is not that boring to as PVE?" Of course, it's the same thing, but with a power switch stuff out PVP to PVP. An integrated stuff to make PVE PVE? There are many weapons LFR (528 ivl) of SoO but no PVE content?


What I tried to say it would be good to mix 2. PVP and PVE. Added that the NPC's selling stuff, weapons, jewelry, rings, cape, set out PVE base, as for PVP (S12 Free elite).


I think it can not do harm to anyone on the server. Instead it could brought more people to the history of PVE a change of BG even if they only love to PVP, just for transmogriffier their equipment?


So, I replied to post rather than making a new topic.


I used google translation because I do not speak English or Russian, I come from Belgium or have speak French.

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I do agree, I mean, yeah personally, the best PvP system I have experienced from any MoP server SO FAR! But, it can get boring after a while, it would be great if we could for example get raids like Terrace of the Endless Spring, Heart of Fear and maybe even Siege of Orgrimmar and all the raids from MoP and even Cata working. Because I understand it's a fun server as it gives you the start of being level 90 with Season 12 starting gear, but its not really fun to PvP all the time is it? It would be nice so actually get a proper group going for one of the end-game content raids and earn some gear/transmogs/titles mounts all the new stuff to add to our characters it would be awesome, but we can moan all we want about it, if PandaWoW stated the fun server to be a funserver, then it will stay that way unfortunately :(
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