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once again x100 damage hacker

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1. Name of the violator: Monnks



2. Realm, where you saw the violation: X100 realm


3. Description of the violation : We were with 20 people at Galleon ( world boss ) untill a horde monk appeard named ( Monnks ) and one hited everyone of us including Galleon.


4. Proof: Specify the following: http://prntscr.com/46tv0b " 84474547 overkill "


extra: on my last post you said " not found " what do you mean not found , how can't he be found


extra: on my last post you said " not found " what do you mean not found , how can't he be found

Same thing happened when I reported a damage hacker. I'm assuming he deletes his toon and makes a new one or just does a name change! There must be some kind of record of players who change names and also players who are removed from the realm. In all honesty I believe they can track these hackers but when they see they just did a name change they are more then likely server donors and they just let them be. In the end donors do what they want with no consequences for their actions! There really needs to be some kind of anti hack system implemented because things are really getting out of hand and it "WILL" make players leave!

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