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Hi guys, I know this is probably in the wrong section, but If I join this server I will most likely play on this realm, and therefore should talk to this realms community.

I have recently decided to take up wow again (since WotLK), and I am trying to decide on a MoP server to play on.


My question is, what would you, the community rate this server out of 10?

Are there lag problems? Bugs? Population?


Btw I am mainly concerned with PvP, is the PvP good on this server?

Posted (edited)
  n00bpanda said:
Hi guys, I know this is probably in the wrong section, but If I join this server I will most likely play on this realm, and therefore should talk to this realms community.

I have recently decided to take up wow again (since WotLK), and I am trying to decide on a MoP server to play on.


My question is, what would you, the community rate this server out of 10?

Are there lag problems? Bugs? Population?


Btw I am mainly concerned with PvP, is the PvP good on this server?


I have played in all the serves and not everything i say will be true for some people but for me it is.


On the x10 i was doing arenas war/rdudu and we were going against 1500 fully geared people and winning. The queue for arenas were too long if you ask me. we were (300-350k)


On x100 is the most populated server. It's really cool if you like oneshoting people with 200k hp in bg's. If you are alliance the queue for bg is really long it says "100 allys/ 0 horde queued".


On the fun it's really cool if you like just doing arenas / bg's and hate lvling. Some of the old raid are closed i know about FL but for other i don't. The best thing in this realm is that you can buy pve gear and since half the set bonuses doesn't work so you can get BIS gear for your class.


As for all servers they are really populated and i thing is the world 1 private server for mop (i am not sure). There are some bugs and harldy any mop pve is working.Timeless isle is not sripted and you can see the bugged spells after the update top 5.4.8 in the bug tracker.

Edited by dfabel



monks are bugged to the max, orb spam for like 200k with no mana problems because mana tea is bugged which cant even be silenced/shocked.. cant even purge the stacks.

  frooty said:


monks are bugged to the max, orb spam for like 200k with no mana problems because mana tea is bugged which cant even be silenced/shocked.. cant even purge the stacks.

you're not supposed to be able to tho

  n00bpanda said:
Hi guys, I know this is probably in the wrong section, but If I join this server I will most likely play on this realm, and therefore should talk to this realms community.

I have recently decided to take up wow again (since WotLK), and I am trying to decide on a MoP server to play on.


My question is, what would you, the community rate this server out of 10?

Are there lag problems? Bugs? Population?


Btw I am mainly concerned with PvP, is the PvP good on this server?




Hey man, longtime player here. Played on "all" the mop servers, and retail with mop.


PVP here is great. Community is huge, always people to play with and group with.


Why play on 10x?


100x server has maximum uptimes of a few hours. 10x stays up for days before reboots are needed.

Like to do BGS or Raid? oftentimes 100x will lag into quadruple digits. 10x stays nice and playable. 100x also will frequently disconnect you on battlegrounds especially. not so on 10x.

If you are interested in the technical reasons for this I can explain in more detail, but in short, 100x has too large a player cap, and it is mostly filled, leading to a server that is incapable of handling its load.


10x has plenty of people to play with. It's not braindead people, its not empty of pvp, dont listen to this angry butthurt noobs. people will always whine and complain. they probably just suck and get ganked constantly.


this server rules man. any other questions feel free to ask, ill give it to you straight without whining for no reason like these butthurt clowns.

Don't listen to the mad kids who are bad at the game and blame the server for it. This server is THE Best MoP Server out at this moment, 5.4.8 (Prideful, and new raids coming.) Great community, 3 servers that you can access at anytime (as long as they're not down) and lots more. Sure, there are a lot of people who don't speak English, but there are also a lot of people who DO. I play this server daily, and I can't really see myself stopping. The item shop is great, the forums are great, the GMs... well... let's leave them out of this. If you decide to play, have fun!
  n00bpanda said:

My question is, what would you, the community rate this server out of 10?

Btw I am mainly concerned with PvP, is the PvP good on this server?


I would rate this server 10/10 (not only cuz I work alos cuz I have been playing on many other servers)

The PvP on the x10 is not that populated I think there people mostly do PvE.

On the x100 in the other hand you will find the PvP veryactive, there are also more English speaking people there.

Bugs? Ofc there are bugs all pservers have them.

Dev team, is a hard working unit that tries to make the game as good as possible for you (the player of the game)

The Staff, the staff tries it best and so long you follow the rules you don't have to worry.

The FUN realm is made for PvP and PvP only so if your looking for PvP go there.

Population? Imho there are most English people on the x100 (alliance side after that horde comes) idk that much about x10 I have a few characters there but the /english chat is not as close as active as on the x100, FUN realm is a mix up and depends on the day and time.


Hope you got a somehow picture of the server and the realms.

Have a nice dy and I hope to see you in-game soon.

  • 1 month later...

how long are the queue in the 10x for bgs and arenas??

because i was going to decide for this one but if it takes too long im goin for the 100x


and other question, i play in other server and in bgs the horde wins most of the times XD. is here like that too? i mean if here is more balanced the win /loose thing in bgs or is a faction always wining XD

  • 3 months later...

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