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[ IMPORTANT ] Huge list of PandaWoW Fun ideas to improve the server.

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We all know this server is far from perfect , but the thing that pisses me off the most , is these little things that we all see and meet every day , but noone takes the effort to report them and or make them better , so thats why im here to post this and HOPEFULLY , see this updated in the future.


Heres the list of ideas that are SUPER EASY to script and would improve the server DRAMATICALLY.


[1] A morph NPC , super easy to script , for both factions , super fun.

An NPC that would morph you into any raced, you right click on the npc , select your race (exp. Male Undead) , and you will get morphed into it (your transmog is kept , just your race appearance changes)

and its visible to everyone , not only you.

Many servers have it , its even downloadable from google , im pretty sure , and it would upgrade the fun of this server drastically (people wouldnt have to use third party programs to change their appearance, and therefore prevent

alot of bans.


[2] An Arena Spectator NPC

Another SUPER easy script , AT (Arena-tournament) , Adversewow , and alot of other servers have it , WHY DONT WE ?

Every day i see a thousand people asking for help/guides how to play their character , this npc allows you to spectate other players in 2v2 3v3 and 5v5.

This would also dramatically decrease the amount of wintraders/abusers in arena , as you could just take a screenshot and report the player , DONE.

I dont see why we dont already have this , Fun realm indeed IS a pvp server (as stated by casualties) , multiple pvp servers (10 even 20 times smaller than pandawow) have this , WHY DONT WE


[3] Instant Professions

Every single day i log on pandawow , i facepalm , THE MOST BASIC THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD , INSTANT PROFESSIONS.

This is a 10/10 priority MUST-HAVE , EVERY PVP SERVER has this , EVERY . This saves hundreds and hundreds of hours people spend going back and forth back and forth like idiots trying to get 600/600 in their professions.

This is also a super easy NPC to make (takes 15-20 min to script) , and it would save everyone on the fun realm ALOT of trouble.


[4] Item Stacks in Vendors

Every time i go buy potions from a vendor , i spend 20 minutes shift+clicking to buy stacks and then use them up in 5 bgs.....

Put every consumable item in the vendors into a stack , and then add them to a vendor ,

This would also save an incredible amount of time for everyone whos buying potions in massive stacks , this takes 0 to very little effort to do , and shouldve already been done A VERY LONG time ago.


[5] Updating the server shop

New patch has arrived , yet the server website shop stayed the same , i ask myself , when can i buy the new mounts ive been saving up for ?

Why isnt there a BUY VALOR option , yet theres a BUY HONOR option?

This shouldve been done with the server update , and its a 9/10 priority.

New transmog , new mounts , new currencies.


[6] Crossfaction dueling/whispering

I know you can duel crossfaction , but its a FUN SERVER over all , and a crossfaction duel zone / whispering would be REALLY useful , since I dont see a single reason why should we not be able to whisper other factions.

Every time i report a bug and start explaining how important it is , i get the same answer: "This isnt retail , stop crying", if this isnt retail , then MAKE US ABLE TO WHISPER EACH OTHER CROSSFACTION.

5/10 Priority , would save some effort and would increase the communication/social level by a ton . There isnt a hate/hate relationship between horde and alliance on this server , so theres no reason why we shouldnt be able to

talk to each other.


[7] Instant ALL GLYPHS

Also a very good idea from Arena-Tournament and multiple other pvp/fun servers

When you create your character , you instantly have all glyphs learned , so you dont have to run to your class trainers and or custom npcs and buy them... saves a bit of time , VERY useful for new players , VERY.

8/10 priority , would LOVE to have this , super easy to do , saves alot of time.


[8] [OPTIONAL] A custom teleporter

This is 2/10 priority , but its an idea , many people would agree with me that a teleporter would speed things up on A FUN server.

Being able to instantly teleport to the duel zone , malls , Kalimdor/EK , Maelstrom , Northrend and other places

Would save some time.




Put your ideas/input into the comments , im open to criticism.


READ ::::::::: This is just a fraction of ideas that would improve the server , i chose the most important ones::::::::::::::::::::::


I hope at least the top 3 will become reality , they are not hard to make and it would make this server stand out , right now people more people are leaving than joining the server , and thats not the way this server should be , so DO SOMETHING about it. If i had the power , i would start working on most of these , consider them , look at them , and then make them come true , and improve the server.

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My answer:

1.the npc should sell a buff command which has the ids of race illusion (for example:blood elf female illusion TEST and other such buffs)

2.arena spectorator could be good,but idc how it works

3.insta proffs is good.i rate 100/10

4.item stacks: use this macro: /run BuyMerchantItem (itemid,itemnumber)

5.answer urself

6.crossfaction whispers is extremely good especially when u need to troll other faction while flying over sw

7.never heard of it

8.only on fun realm


IMO - you want to make or request PandaWoW Fun realm to became like AT or another smillar server and you're big lazy fat ass who don't like to do some things which you find them annoying. i also don't care what you'll say after my post in your topic/thread.


1). useless custom service - if you don't like your current race and gender or faction go and change it or make a new character

2). it's cool for streaming/recording and catching exploiters/cheaters/abusers, perhaps for tournaments or something like that

3). don't stack you fat ass

4). don't stack you fat ass

5). end pve gear from mop expansion is too op, but if you decide to purchase some mounts/companions and currency like honor/valor/justice/conquest points that would be good for the server

6). if some zones be set to neutral or with pvp disabled, and the players start to duel there with a few portals for both factions in each side would be ok i guess

7). again useless, because every player have access to the npc/creature/mob who sells glyphs for certain classes

8). useless custom service, because you have instant wind rider from point to point and a portals for main cities


Agree with 6 and 2, but the others i'm not so sure about. I really disagree with the instant/glyphs and proffesions, if you want that, go play the FUN Realm.


6 because I need to be able to whisper the Allys I camp and tell them they're bad, 2 because I don't see why not. I also think there should be a 2v2 Queue NPC, w/o having to find a group, you could just queue with a random person/random other team, and get conquest like that instead of finding a group.

IMO - you want to make or request PandaWoW Fun realm to became like AT or another smillar server and you're big lazy fat ass who don't like to do some things which you find them annoying. i also don't care what you'll say after my post in your topic/thread.


I totally agree but I also find all these thisngs very much a like to other servers tho some of these ideas are nice :3 But I guess I'm not such important I rarely play on the Fun realm.


: I really disagree with the instant/glyphs and proffesions, if you want that, go play the FUN Realm. :


...... this is the fun realm thread you genius .


"IMO - you want to make or request PandaWoW Fun realm to became like AT or another smillar server and you're big lazy fat ass who don't like to do some things which you find them annoying. i also don't care what you'll say after my post in your topic/thread."


the whole point of THE FUN REALM is to have fun , i pvp 95% of the time im online , you probably sit in goldshire and socialize with people , so ofcourse , you dont care about things like that

if you find going back and forth from a vendor to a trainer for 30 minutes fun , then theres seriously something wrong with you , spending 30 minutes on something that could be instant if the developers werent lazy is not fun for me , and im pretty sure its not fun for anyone who ACTUALLY plays the game


the realm is called FUN for a reason , most of these things shouldve already been done on the server and its embarassing that they arent , seeing how you call all of my suggestions "useless" , you probly dont even play on the fun realm or play more than once a week , because if you actually played and pvped like a normal player , you would realise how useful all of these are


can people who dont even play on FUN stop commenting bullshit on this thread? i want to hear realistic responses from people who actually play the game full time and enjoy the FUN in the FUN realm.

I'm glad to see that Juster approved all of this! :D at last a big update for fun realm! Sysx idk why are you raging like a little kid, its his opinion, Juster approved it so CYA BRO ;)
I approve all your suggestions, even add 1v1 arenas :D


1v1 arena sounds awesome though it will probably not only show the best players but the most OP classes as well ^^



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1 more idea for fun realm Free Faction Change NPC(or change it with conquest/honor like 4k honor and 4k conquest i know pandawow staff dosent like the word FREE) since its a pvp realm (reason to many players play ally +the BG que .....its long)
Thanks for the positive feedback , Ive played on hundreds of private servers in my time and these ideas are just a fraction of what ive seen/learned , if any of these become reality it would be amazing and im pretty sure it would draw a huge population boost towards the server.
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Posted (edited)

My answer.

1. no, even though it is a fun server, we do not need undeads, orcs, belfs running in stormwind it kinda ruins wow atmosphere.

2. yes

3. no (stop being lazy)

4. no

5. yes

6. no, Horde and ally on big servers should be separated.


8.no because people should spend some time running and flying across azeroth. Its not called WORLD of warcraft for no reason. Nor is that world made to not be explored and seen.

Edited by Tbf
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