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Honor Tab - Un-queue BGs


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2)[ATTACH=CONFIG]60510[/ATTACH] If you deselect certain BGs from the list, so you don't get invited into them, you still get invited even tho you deselected those certain BGs.

3)Upon de-selecting the BGs, you must never get invited into them untill you re-activate them on the list.

4)From 3 months ago untill today. As far as I know, this feature never worked on the server.


6)1/10 Nothing gamebreaking, it's just annoying. For example, I hate Alterac Valley with acute passion, I never want to run it, ever. I still get invited in it, even tho I de-selected it.

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i had two problems with this server: arena frames and this. after arena frames are fixed I'm looking for this bg exclude fix... I'd be so damn happy if this would happen. bump for the idea! :D
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