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A nice thing we could add!


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Hello players :3


Since all wanna add stuff to the FUN realm I would like to tell me my idea and I

hope I will get the support and feedback from the community. So this woud make

me play more on this realm and it would also make more players to join, I guess

a lot of you guys don't know I'm a part of a "big" gaming community and we are

having a Gaming House where we usually have arround 15-20 playing games

everyday and arround the time of a month we have 90-120 visitor that will come

and watch turnaments and play games and I have had a question to the players

in the house aswell to the guests what would make them join the server and

what they would like to have in a wow server over all, I also showed the topic

made before and they agreed on some points. I left out ideas that was kinda

close to the ones already suggested. (put in mind these players/people played

other servers aswell and the ideas might be kinda simuler to other servers) Oh

well I been talking to much let's start!


1. The World Player vs. Player Zone (Timeless Isle)


Most of the players in the house read the working content and I explained the reason bihind the FUN realm in my point of view.

-The fun realm is a PvP realm

-Yes you can do PvE and yes you can buy PvE items but most of the PvE content is closed


So they said and I quote "Why not make the Timeless Isle a hardcore world PvP zone"'

I know there are many other servers having simular things like this (witch names I will not mention or give out due to the respect to the staff and the server of Pandawow)


So the main thing:

Remake Timeless Isle

-Take away all the NPC's

-You will now only be able to travel to this zone by a portal

-When you spawn the game will choose a random spawn point so you/others can't camp spawn points

-Add in some cool items that will give you buffs ( this can have the same apperents as the red crystals or the chests already exsisting in the zone)

-These buffs will for ex. Reset all your CD's, Give you movement speed, Heal you etc. (You get the idea)



-By killing a player in this zone will give you x2 the normal honor gain + a Token of some kind

-With the tokens you could maybe be able to buy some mounts and since the mounts don't share to other accounts I would think this is a good idea

-With these tokesn you could maybe also buy other cool stuff such as costumes and other things

(With this I mean ofc that you would not have a mount for like 300 tokens more like 1000-3000 tokens and cool stuff such as a costume would be arround 500 tokens)

I really hope you guys understand why I want the prizes of the items to e so high. And this will ofc mean they need to add a vendor.

I would like to see this Npc model for the vendor Alexstrasza


That ws that please if you have any more to apply to this replay and if it sounds good I will add it to the main topic.

(More ideas coming up but to tierd to type atm)

Edited by StarCaller
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why dont you just say "please fix timeless isle" instead of typing this here , your idea is basically the concept of timeless isle minus the pve


buffs = theres shrines that give 20% of each stat buff , increased damage , etc , theres also items/crystals that give u 10% stat boost and so on

by killing players u get blood coins which u can exchange for mount/trinket/misc items at the blood coins vendor


most of this is not going to happen since it would require alot of work and basically a fix of whole timeless isle + removing all npcs , good suggestion 0/10 probability of happening

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why dont you just say "please fix timeless isle" instead of typing this here , your idea is basically the concept of timeless isle minus the pve


buffs = theres shrines that give 20% of each stat buff , increased damage , etc , theres also items/crystals that give u 10% stat boost and so on

by killing players u get blood coins which u can exchange for mount/trinket/misc items at the blood coins vendor


most of this is not going to happen since it would require alot of work and basically a fix of whole timeless isle + removing all npcs , good suggestion 0/10 probability of happening


Well nice to hear such positive feedback :3 this things you say is true but this would be a remake and yes it would take a lot of time, The thing is that people would only use this zones for the rares that are there and kill some players till they get the things from the vendor (witch does not take many kills) if this zone was as you say fixed.

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it would be really cool to see this dont get me wrong , but its probably not going to happen , we can just hope


Yes ofc it would that why I suggest it and I'm just waiting for others to say it too the more of the community I get with me to side on this idea the devs would see how much people would like it :3

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