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Rallying Cry


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Spell name: Rallying Cry

Link: http://www.wowwiki.com/Rallying_Cry

Date tested: 15-10-2014

Server: Panda wow Fun

Correct working: it should add 20% health points for 10 seconds, then when it fades out should restore the previous health (out of combat)


The issue: surprisingly, the spell works all the opposite. As you cast it, you get a not-fullfilled more health bar (the health is missing), but more important, as it fades out, you LOSE the health the spell is supposed to give.


Exemple: my warrior has 513k health points. As I cast RC my real health goes down to 492k even if the bar has a cap of 615k (the +20% RC should give), so there are 123k health points missing. But there's more! As the spell disappears, 10 seconds after, my warrrior's health goes down to 405k!!!!

So if I cast RC, I basically lose 20% health. That's potencially lethal in arena, if you don't know the bug.


If someone is bursting at you, you normally cast your defensive cd like Shield Wall and Rallying Cry, but doing so you actually one-shot yourself losing 20% health in 10 seconds. I suggest to fix this as soon as possible, 'cos RC is one of our best defensive spell, any warrior would understand the seriousness of this bug.


Here's some shots I stamped in combat, 'cos the normal regen would interfere with the hp. Still, I'm not sure I caught them the precise time, so numbers could be even lower.

Priority 10

Please fix asap


@ Uraganuu


Dude, I've 3 points to answer to you, and I'd rellay like to make you come to think about them.


1) you say: "After the duration the health is lost". Yes, but before it fades out, the spell is supposed to GIVE health, not taking it away from you and then making you lose even more hp. The spell gives no hp at all, just make you lose moderate health at the beginning, then a great deal at the end.


2) really, what's the use of a surviving spell if it makes you lose hp instead giving you some in order to survive?? If the spells takes away health, there's no scenario in which this is usefull. Its more like a "Hara-kiri" for warriors.


3) in older thread, someone posted videos about Ralllying Cry in the Official that worked all the opposite, more like the Battlemaster trinket, you can go and check it out. A retail video won't lie I suppose. Now, not to be unfair dude, I play here and I like to play here, but if you go on Arena Tournamet you can see how the spell works correctly... there it gives you 20% health, and at the end restoring the normal hp (out of combat). That makes sense for a survival spell, all other way is pointless.


Surprisengly, if a warrior near you but not in party nor in raid cast RC, the spell really works and gives you hp correctly.


Great job for #3 changelog, but there's still work to do. Expecially about spriests and udks, this dmg is unreal.


Keep it up dude!

@ Uraganuu


Dude, I've 3 points to answer to you, and I'd rellay like to make you come to think about them.


1) you say: "After the duration the health is lost". Yes, but before it fades out, the spell is supposed to GIVE health, not taking it away from you and then making you lose even more hp. The spell gives no hp at all, just make you lose moderate health at the beginning, then a great deal at the end.


2) really, what's the use of a surviving spell if it makes you lose hp instead giving you some in order to survive?? If the spells takes away health, there's no scenario in which this is usefull. Its more like a "Hara-kiri" for warriors.


3) in older thread, someone posted videos about Ralllying Cry in the Official that worked all the opposite, more like the Battlemaster trinket, you can go and check it out. A retail video won't lie I suppose. Now, not to be unfair dude, I play here and I like to play here, but if you go on Arena Tournamet you can see how the spell works correctly... there it gives you 20% health, and at the end restoring the normal hp (out of combat). That makes sense for a survival spell, all other way is pointless.


Surprisengly, if a warrior near you but not in party nor in raid cast RC, the spell really works and gives you hp correctly.


Great job for #3 changelog, but there's still work to do. Expecially about spriests and udks, this dmg is unreal.


Keep it up dude!


I agree Rallying cry does not work like its suposed to be.




Leave this to an admin.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Yeah skill is bugged. The people who say that skill is work correct are trolls.



Before pop Rallying cry my hp is 603 k [ATTACH=CONFIG]77131[/ATTACH]

After Pop Rallying cry my hp is 578 k so i lose 25 k hp (bug) and maximum hp is increased to 723 k [ATTACH=CONFIG]77132[/ATTACH]

After Rallying Cry Fades my hp go more down to 524 k hp so i lose from the start 603k hp - 524 k hp = 79 k hp [ATTACH=CONFIG]77133[/ATTACH]


Self Suicide Skill not defensive cd.

Edited by dupa999
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hi PandaWoW staff, I have some stuff to update this thread.

First of all, lets begin with the basic, lets have a look at what the spell really does: Rallying Cry.

Lets analyze: you have 100% hp before casting RC, then during 10 seconds you must have 120% hp, then when the spell fades out you should return at 100%.

Of course, a enemy can damage you during RC, making you lose those more hp. When RC ends, if you still have some hp more from RC, they will be taken away from you.

More or less as the Battlemaster Trinket works. I'm assuming noone has to desagree with this...


Lets look at what happens in reality. I present to you two best friends: [ATTACH=CONFIG]77795[/ATTACH]


Now, lets see Clarkent casting Rallying Cry when he was hitting a dummy (this is due to avoid the normal regen interference):


See? The health goes from 400k, to 384k as RC is casted, to 316k when it fades out.

1) No more health given 2) a little health lost at the beginning (16k) 3) a great deal at the end (68k). That's all!!!


Now I'm asking: what is the use of a surviving spell if it makes you ONLY lose health?? Not a single hp is added by RC, not 1 (1 hp has something to do with a spectacular video linked at the end, lol).


What's the correct job RC is supposed to do? Curiously, RC works very well if someone casts it near you but he's not in your party.


As you can see, as Jorel casts RC, Clarkent's health goes from 400k up to 480k, coming back at 400k as RC fades out. And in the same screens, you can see that Jorel's health goes wrongly from 400k to 384k, then to 348k as RC fades (those picture were taken out of combat, with the regen interference).

Are you convinced now?


Here's the only Cry warriors have as this bug is still untouched: [ATTACH=CONFIG]77802[/ATTACH]

And this is the sad fate if some good bursting class, say for istance udk, approach warriors with malevolent intent: [ATTACH=CONFIG]77803[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]77804[/ATTACH]


If you PandaWoW staff are not convinced yet, I still have something for you. Enjoy this video from





Edited by feamur
  • Like 1

Take a look at this.

Lets compare two similar survivng spells from two different classes: Rallying Cry and Vampiric Blood.

The spells are almost identical, it only changes the % of hp given and some % of healing increased over a short period of time.


But more important, the say both: "AFTER THE EFFECT EXPIRES, THE HEALTH IS LOST".


Now lets see them in action. Lets start with Rallying Cry:



Now lets see Vampiric Blood:



They dont work the same, VB really increases the dk's health, and when it expires takes back the health that's given, as the description means. RC is broken, doesnt increase any health, just takes away health from warrior's pool. Both spells have same description but they work all the opposite.


Now I would really like to have a answer from someone of the staff, a dev, someone, cos if I am told everything is fine and there's no bug at all, it's just visual bug and stuff like that, I stop updating this thread. I still see no warrior using RC so I assume everyone thinks its broken. Are we wrong? Is the spell broken? Its just visual?


Cmon fix this or tell us whats wrong......PLEASE

  • Like 1
  • 3 months later...
Currently Rallying Cry is like a 20% HP healing potion in rated matches as well.. it will not go away if the buff is off ... i have never seen anyone drop to (yes exactly) 1 hp after their Rally faded , and they were on 10-20k hp still ,which should've gone down to 1. HP
This post is getting necroed, but, since we're alredy here...


Rallying Cry should work just like Might of Ursoc(but instead of +30%, gives +20%).


who cares about necroing?there are threads that have been necroed since 2013.nobody batched an eye.


on topic: result:gives 20% but not 30% on my warr too

  • 1 year later...
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