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translate this post to russian and make the owner of the server read it


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arena in this server is garbage and panda wow should not forces us to play it to get the best gear:


1) nobody plays 3s, 5s, rbgs, so we are left to do 2s, the problem with 2s is the incredible imbalance, even blizzard admits it and thats why its not taken seriously, this puts some characters and team compositions in a very bad situation in arenas


2) there are still class bugs, which make balance even more of a mess


3) people use 2 type of hacks (i wont say names) that are near impossible to detect or to ban for because they are not flashy or obvious like speed/fly hack, one of those hacks cant be used in retail wow and the other not many people has access to it (in retail wow), this imbalances the gameplay even more


4) the match making system doesnt work or is bugged


5) the only decent day to do arenas is monday, because a lot of peole are queueing and theres more chance of faceing non pros, the rest of the week, most of the time you will meet the hardcore "pros" with the best gear and strategy and team composition and the hacks that i mentioned before, which is silly and not fun


6) unexpected things that make you lose the game such as: one faction attacking the others pvp vendor in pandaria and lagging the whole server for everyone, the bug when your partner dcs in arena and the game auto makes you lose even if you are still alive


suggestion: increase the amount of conquest points given by the first bg win of the day and the rest of the bgs, this way people will cap with bgs, let the abusers, hackers, "pros", whatever, play arena alone between them, it only takes 4 people to start an arena so there will always be activity


if you care about your server and players do the right thing, blizzlike isnt good, much less on a private server


arena here is frustrating, horrible, a joke and ruins my day, we play video games for fun not for this


it is very obvious the owner of the server doesnt play arenas like the normal players do, maybe this post will make you understand our horrible experience

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arena in this server is garbage and panda wow should not forces us to play it to get the best gear:

The system works exactly like Retail.

1) nobody plays 3s, 5s, rbgs, so we are left to do 2s, the problem with 2s is the incredible imbalance, even blizzard admits it and thats why its not taken seriously, this puts some characters and team compositions in a very bad situation in arenas

Lots of people play 3s, farmers play 5s and RBGs. The imbalance in 2s is normal, the game isn't balanced around 1vs1 or 2vs2, not even 3vs3. Real balance comes in 5vs5 teams or more. Of course there are overpowered comps, but then again it's not Pandawow's problem, it's WoW's problem.

2) there are still class bugs, which make balance even more of a mess

Class bugs on private servers are normal. However, with the help of player reports we're fixing them.

3) people use 2 type of hacks (i wont say names) that are near impossible to detect or to ban for because they are not flashy or obvious like speed/fly hack, one of those hacks cant be used in retail wow and the other not many people has access to it (in retail wow), this imbalances the gameplay even more

Trust me, people use alot more then 2 hacks. Even a certain combination of classes and specs is an exploit.

4) the match making system doesnt work or is bugged

It's working but it's easy to exploit. It's why you see fully geared/highly rated(2.7k+) players queueing up versus teams with 0 gear and 0 ratings.

5) the only decent day to do arenas is monday, because a lot of peole are queueing and theres more chance of faceing non pros, the rest of the week, most of the time you will meet the hardcore "pros" with the best gear and strategy and team composition and the hacks that i mentioned before, which is silly and not fun

This depends on your time-zone. For me, best arena days are saturday and wednesday, from what I've observed, or it's just my impression.

6) unexpected things that make you lose the game such as: one faction attacking the others pvp vendor in pandaria and lagging the whole server for everyone, the bug when your partner dcs in arena and the game auto makes you lose even if you are still alive

These will be fixed.

suggestion: increase the amount of conquest points given by the first bg win of the day and the rest of the bgs, this way people will cap with bgs, let the abusers, hackers, "pros", whatever, play arena alone between them, it only takes 4 people to start an arena so there will always be activity


if you care about your server and players do the right thing, blizzlike isnt good, much less on a private server


arena here is frustrating, horrible, a joke and ruins my day, we play video games for fun not for this


it is very obvious the owner of the server doesnt play arenas like the normal players do, maybe this post will make you understand our horrible experience


I think the administration intends to keep the retail-like system when it comes to rewards. However, I would suggest boosted rewards in weekends/holydays.

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