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Divine Aegis being crippled by Battle Fatigue twice


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Posted (edited)

Spell name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47515/divine-aegis


How it should work: Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 100%(+mastery%) of the amount healed, instead of healing for twice as much.

Normal heal=20k(it was affected by battle fatigue), A healing crit should give a 20k(+mastery)Shield


How it currently works: It's being crippled by Battle Fatigue twice. A critical from 20k healing in pvp is creating a 9k shield because it's being crippled by Battle Fatigue again. It should be affected by Battle Fatigue just once, like a normal healing.


Date tested: 10.12.2014


Server tested: Pandawow x10


Priority: 8/10. Makes your shields from critical strikes so weak.

Edited by memesiscc


Priority: 10/10. Makes your critical strikes so weak. This must be urgently fixed.


6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities.


I think that it has this priority, because discipline is shields, which is obtained from critical hits, and mastery increases these shields. But low critical strikes = low shields, with low shields discipline is not discipline.

But I can play holly while this is being repaired. The error has already been repaired in the past but reappeared in 5.4.8


In patch 5.4 Battle Fatigue Affect Absorbs effects too:

For example

20k heal (affected by Battle Fatigue) and critic is 20k heal and 8k shield (+ mastery) in this point shield buff is affected by Battle Fatigue once. Look so hard to believe, but this is how work. Therefore Discipline seems some weak.

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