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Pddlz - Bugging arena (you didn't let me reply)

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Name: Pddlz

Realm: Pandawow Fun

Description: He got stuck on the starting place in dalaran arena,

and he just stayed there until we left, which is abusing, because

the water stream is supposed to push you down, yet he managed

to stay on top.


(album on imgur)



He has his shield, which means that he must have put it on.

He wasn't stuck in loading screen

Buffs are removed when you enter arena.

This is not player's fault, he simply crashed when he clicked on "Join Arena" or during loading screen. If player is in-game he'll get pushed into the arena by water if he's standing there.

He didn't crash, because he had the shield,

he had to put it on during the preparation, which

means that he wouldn't have crashed.


When I SS'd him and went to report him, we were still in arena, and then he suddenly came down, I was afk so he killed me,

and my pally partner, so we lost.

Look man if he's in the game he gets pushed into the arena instantly, crash can occur anytime during gameplay, he could've shielded himself, got a game crash and later came back on when you were afk.
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