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Fire elemental Totem


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Tested 2015.01.07 all realms.

spell name http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=2894/fire-elemental-totem#summons

How it is bugged.Fire elemental doesn't move and stays in place there you put the totem.

How it should work.Fire element should be able to move and follow your target, dealing auto attack(fire dmg)and casting spells mentioned below.


Ps. Earth elemental totem works fine,and is able to move.

pss. Spells casted by fire elemental seems to deal low dmg http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12470 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57984

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Can we fix this already ? I mean seriously devs are working on random minor damage calculation for some useless abilities while this has been bugged since forever... I mean seriously fixing damage buffs for worgen and goblins in icc, cause that's more important. Hew em i sapposed te ferm mey mog frum icc without det buff amg gm fex.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Damage is lowered, spells are bugged, and they don't even care about fixes (which are already been released on the internet)


Seeing how we get Changelogs often about what's being done on the server, it's pretty ignorant of you to say "they don't care about fixes".

The totem used to do absolutely nothing but stand there and do nothing, now it's active and usable and it even works in good synergy with the Primal Elementalist talent. In my view, it's a good step in the right direction. It's not doing the damage it should do right now, but at least it's proof that this problem wasn't ignored by the developers.


However, if you think you would do a better job fixing the server then our developers, please apply for the position.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You're funny. Shamans have 4 bugs and 2 of them are massive. You want me to play enhance with a screwed up windfury proc rate ? Lol thats like playing dk's with 2 runes instead of 6. And fire elemental is a huge part of our damage dealing. Don't try and turn this into a minor thing because it isnt.
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You're funny. Shamans have 4 bugs and 2 of them are massive. You want me to play enhance with a screwed up windfury proc rate ? Lol thats like playing dk's with 2 runes instead of 6. And fire elemental is a huge part of our damage dealing.


IK two of them are big. There's nothing wrong with the windfury proc rate, its just it bugs when it procs it doesn't increase dmg.. Also because all attacks are offhand attacks (afaik this is what furmetal told me), your main hand attack gets parried way more than it should, which is a real pain when using Stormblast and they just parry or dodge your burst.


Don't try and turn this into a minor thing because it isnt.


Please simmer down. I am the one who is reporting these bugs, so I have a good idea what classes need fixing more/less. Yes enhance is pisspoor atm, but Resto/Ele are close to perfect. On the other hand, look at:


MW playing without bubble,

Mage's deep not DR'ing with ring,

DK's rune bug,

DK's necrotics,

Rogue Restless Blades Bug,

Mage Mirror Image Bug,

Invocation bug,

Being Unable to Trinket Fear,

Psyfiend bug,

and RoF size..


Enhance is bugged to fuck atm I agree, but most of the reports have only been made recently, so quit crying, and play another spec in the meanwhile.


Also, those 4 bugs are related to enhancement alone. Elementals are positively bugged, but they won't report the bugs because it helps them.


Hint: procs proccing from other procs.


Who won't report the bugs - you mean people who play Ele shamans? I'm very curious cause ele dmg seems normal to me. And I played ele to glad in s15 lol.


Nobody's reported it because nobody plays them lol. Don't you think if Elementals were:

positively bugged
then everyone would be playing them?


Finally, just to show you how stupid your crying is, put it into context. Even if ele mastery is bugged, the average lava burst I hit as full prideful is around 70k. So, if my mastery were to proc like normal, I would get a 35k dmg lava burst.


On the other hand - if it's bugged, and procs off of my proc, I would get a 17.5k dmg lava burst, and then the mastery proc is on Cooldown again.


Do you see how ridiculous it is to whine about 17k dmg considering all the other bugs? And you accuse eles of trying to hide about it the truth lmao. The truth is that it's so minor you haven't even found any proof or been bothered enough to report it!


How about you go and get us some proof of how OP/Bugged Ele is or Stfu whining about other players not reporting it. Ty.

Edited by Ðionysus
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Sure other classes are also bugged af. But should i point out how much work is put into fixing mages/rogues/monks ? When was the last time you saw an enhancement spell getting fixed. Ive been playing warr/enhance since tbc. And i enjoy the mop enhancement playstyle. Why should i go play another class in the meantime when the windfury issue is so easy to fix. And fire elementals have the same mechanics as xuen who got fixed recently ? I agree that other classes are bugged too. But it's been too long since enhance shammies got some love. Maybe then we could get a bit more competitive


- - - Updated - - -


Last season i got stuck at 2.45 k on x10 playing enhance hpal simply because of the sheer amount of dk resto/rdudu comps in the high brackets. I'm not saying that 2v2 is an eligible pvp scene. But if it was that hard for me to go up when facing a dk dudu. How will i fare in 3's vs a tsg. It might seem minor for you, but parrying that much makes us useless vs classes with high parry.


- - - Updated - - -


And the fire elemental totem has been reported ever since 5.4.2, so was the windfury. Get you facts straights

Edited by banhammer
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Nobody's reported it because nobody plays them lol. Don't you think if Elementals were: then everyone would be playing them?


Finally, just to show you how stupid your crying is, put it into context. Even if ele mastery is bugged, the average lava burst I hit as full prideful is around 70k. So, if my mastery were to proc like normal, I would get a 35k dmg lava burst.




Nobody is crying, be polite and serious as I am.


Elemental procs are bugged, firing too often and proccing from procs. It doesn't matter how low the damage is, as long as it shouldn't be there that often.

What do you mean nobody plays them, out of 100 shamans, 95 are elemental.


Average "rotation" for elementals atm is: Flame Shock, LB, LB, LB, LB,LB,LB,LB Fulmination. The problem about this is that ONLY ONE Lava Burst was actually casted, the rest were instant cast and/or procs.

Also, regarding damage, Lava Burst can hit above 100k during burst as a full Prideful. Combine this damage with the ammount of procs they can get off a single target and you get a ridiculous burst class that gets their burst for free, due to a bugged mechanic related to procs fireing from procs(same as Opportunity Strike used to work).


Don't confuse me with the average boo-hoo cry baby. I'm educated enough to see the difference between "normal working content" and "bugged content" and I've also worked on this server for a while, testing this exact mechanic.

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Nobody is crying, be polite and serious as I am.


Next line:


Average "rotation" for elementals atm is: Flame Shock, LB, LB, LB, LB,LB,LB,LB Fulmination.


Lmao, you serious? Good trolling lol :D


Elemental procs are bugged, firing too often
How are they? I can conceive that mastery may be bugged because I can't see when it procs, but the proc rate on Lava Burst is 100% fine on here, I know because I can see when I get a proc.. Please reply if If you think otherwise, because then you must seriously retarded.


And like I said in my previous post, do the math, bring the proof or stop crying.


Even IF mastery is bugged (which it might be - it's such a small bug I can't even tell), and


Lava Burst can hit above 100k during burst as a full Prideful. Combine this damage with the ammount of procs...



First you get a lucky lava burst that hits 100k, (because as i mentioned before avg in arena like like 68k).

Second you get a lucky mastery proc for 50k,

Third you gotta then get an EVEN LUCKIER bugged mastery proc for 25k. YES 25k DMG OMG!! And then it's on internal cd again..



Result: When the stars align, the MAX dmg you get from this bug (if the bug even exists - which im still waiting for you to prove), is 25k dmg before it goes on internal cd. WOW SO OP.



Getting tired of


average boo-hoo cry babys
like yourself complaining with no proof just because they are shit and can't win any games..


And before you reply, i'll say again:


Like i said in my previous post, do the math, bring the proof or stop crying.
Edited by Ðionysus
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You guys went full Chiv there.


I'm only gonna do other bug reports when my main account gets unbanned, till there if you want my help to report you can ask me in-game, feel free, I'm bored 95% of the times alt-tabbing between wow and 9gag.

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