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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/18 in all areas

  1. Introduction [spoiler=Introduction] Hi, I'm Max, Maxuhmilli, Mintyx, Mendi or whoever you want to call me. I LIKE CLEAVES. I have been playing MW since its release and have had crazy adventures with the class. In the start of MoP (Season 12), I was a massive noob. I know, hard to imagine. I achieved a MAX rating of 2k as rogue and was very proud of myself. I then spent my hard earned money and boosted a monk at the start of Season 13, this is where to fun starts. I started slowly learning the class just as everyone else would with a new edition to WoW where I reached my FIRST 2.2 Achievement ever (2.3xp at this point)! MW was probably one of the worse healers in that current patch due to the lack of class knowledge, or simply HPS. Season 14 was like a new beginning for monks as people realized the REAL use for the Healing Sphere spell. With the discovery of the actual use for this spell, monks started appearing more frequently on both US and EU ladders. Towards the end of S14 I achieved my 2.4 Achievement and earned my first Gladiator title. Season 15! This was where most MW Monks started to shine. Being the highest HPS in the game, monks were incredibly good at playing with and against melee cleaves. Season 15 was one of the longest seasons in WoW. At the start of S15 I was the highest Fury turbo in the world (YES FURY). We were approximately 2500+ CR and slaying the noobs. Later on in the season as my reputation started to grow, I met some amazing people/players. I discovered the comp Beast cleave and achieved my highest rating of EXACTLY 3000cr and having 2 monks above 2900cr (3.1 MMR). MW Monks have many counters, making it a pure sniping class. Facing a mage as any other comp than Beast cleave, will almost certainly result in a horrific experience for the Monk (No matter how good we play). The Mistweaver Monk Class [spoiler=Overview]As mentioned earlier, MW Monks are great with and against melee cleaves. This is due to their instant healing, instant CC, and short cooldown defensive abilities for team mates with LIFE COCOON RING OF PEACE PARALYSIS. Advantages: Instant High HPS Good Mobility Immortal Disadvantages: Few viable comps (Relies on shamans) Extremely susceptible to CC due to Soothing Mist GCD Falls back on Mana Tea globals when Sphering Little to NO CC depending on comp (could also be a advantage :?) Talent choices/Glyphs [spoiler=Talent choices/Glyphs] Level 15 Tier: I mainly choose the tiger's lust talent. This is because it is a free root dispel. Example: If I'm playing TSG vs a Mage team, and the mage decides to poly my warrior out of a nova, I can tiger's lust to help him either connect, or kick the mage. If the kick fails, I still have a dispel available for the poly. The only other viable choice is Celerity in combination with the level 90 talent tier Chi Torpedo. I usually play this combination against WW monks in 2s, making myself extremely slippery. The basic strat is; Roll his roll. In other words, when the monk rolls to you, you roll away. You then have an extra Roll in order to close gaps for kicks or his Flying serpent kick. Level 30 Tier: Chi wave, Chi wave, Chi wave, NEVER anything else. Simply too high on healing output as well as a boost in damage. Works well in combination with the http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115070 Passive, AKA Eminence. Level 45 Tier: Chi Brew, Chi Brew, Chi Brew, Grants 2 chi and Mana Tea charges, why would you play anything else? Very when falling behind on Enveloping mist casts with regards to Chi. Level 60 Tier: All talents in this tier are viable depending on comp/playstyle. Ring of peace: The go-to spell when healing Melee cleaves. Also a great defensive ability vs Melee cleaves. Charging Ox Wave: Very good if used well. Primarily used when playing defensive comps such as LSM. Leg Sweep: Good in comps that lack stuns like Beast Cleave! Or in 2s with a DK who plays with Silence. Level 75 Tier: Only Viable options for PVP: Healing Elixirs: Great when playing vs Melee Cleaves, or basically anything that isn't a caster. Diffuse Magic: Extremely under rated and EXTREMELY good/important. Play this vs EVERY Wizard Cleave or Anything that has a Wizard in it (even Warrior Mage). LSD is unhealable without this talent, acts as a 2 free dispels. Dispel DoT's off self and 90% less damage on dispel for partners (DOES NOT WORK ON PANDAWOW). Level 90 Tier: Only Viable options for PVP: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger: I play this 99% of the time in both 2s/3s. It is a simple 15k HPS boost with regards to http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115070. Chi Torpedo: As mentioned before, It is good in combination with the Celerity talent (Tier 15). Reforging, Gearing and Gems [spoiler=Reforging, Gearing and Gems] Just in case you don't know, Intellect is MW's Main stat. This is then followed by Crit, Spirit, Mastery, Haste. IN THIS ORDER. Reforging: Everything to Crit/spirit. EXAMPLE. If you have a crit mastery piece, reforge the mastery into spirit. Gems: Meta: Destructive Primal Diamon or Reflect Gem Red: Potent Vermillon Onyx (Intellect + Crit) Yellow: Smooth Sun's Radiance (Crit) Blue: Misty Wild Jade (Spirit + Crit) Races [spoiler=Races] :horde: :undead2: or :ork1: :alliance: :nightelf2: More crit and better racials, HUMAN IS BAD, more HPS is useless for a class with the highest HPS already. Horde is generally the better option for MW Monks Tips and Tricks [spoiler=Tips and Tricks]Port Placement: Remember to constantly replace your port. Make sure you can always port incase you get swapped on or find yourself about to be feared/Polied or any type of Crowd Control Aura Mastery: This is the first global I use when coming out of CC vs classes that have blanket CS's (Mage, Spriest, Warlock). Most Mages or even Spriests will use their blanket silences when you trinket 99% of the time (If its off CD). Using your Thunder Focus Tea QUICKLY could save you! Provoke: Probably the most underused spell in the game. You can taunt Mage/Hunter/X pets to break Poly/Trap/Wyvern/Scatter or even Blind vs RMP's while shadowfiend is up! It's easy to do and there's not reason to not be doing it. Use this macro: /cast [@arenapet1/2/3] Provoke Chi Brew: Chi Brew is extremely good due to its Chi granting effect. A lot of times I find myself Chi starved and wanting to cast a Enveloping Mist. The basic rotation for this is Renewing Mist -> Chi Brew -> Enveloping Mist. Pre-Hotting: Effective use of Enveloping Mist can save you and your partners some defensive CD's. Using Enveloping Mist when anticipating CC's is almost like putting a Cenarion Ward on your partner. Enveloping Mist and Cenarion Ward are the biggest hots in the game. Mana Tea: Avoid getting to 20 stacks of Mana Tea as much as possible. Don't let this interfere with your gameplay. Capping Mana Tea is seen as a waste of Mana and is simply unbeneficial. Comps [spoiler=Comps] 3v3: Tier 1: MW Beast Cleave (Marksman Hunter, Enhance, MW LSM (Affliction/Destro Lock, Ele, MW) Thunder (Warrior, Ele, MW) Chi H/DK (Marksman, Unholy DK, MW) Tier 2/3 depending on opponents: Turbo (Enhance, Warrior, MW) TSG (Unholy DK, Warrior, MW) 2v2: Tier 1: MW Warrior MW DK Tier 2: MW Feral MW Ele Macros [spoiler=Macros]Paralysis Macro's: /cast [@focus] Paralysis /cast [@arena1] Paralysis /cast [@arena2] Paralysis /cast [@arena3] Paralysis Saves a lot of time when targeting Party Cooldowns; /cast [@party1 OR NAME] Life Cocoon /cast [@party1 OR NAME] Ring of Peace /cast [@party1 OR NAME] Detox My famous Xuen macro: #showtooltip Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger /cast Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger /petattack /petautocaston crackling tiger lightning /cast Tiger leap /cast Dash Final Notes [spoiler=Final Notes]MW Gameplay heavily depends on partners and work best with Shamans due to their babysitting capabilities with range kicks, Grounding Totem as well as Tremor Totem. The general go-to strat for MW is sit back, relax, avoid cc and try your hardest to help your team mates with the minimal amounts of support you can give. (incapping off target, ringing pets etc.) Make sure to follow my twitch for daily streams! @ https://www.twitch.tv/mintyx
    4 points
  2. Предлагаю переименовать раздел "Обжалование блокировки." в "Сборник Сказок x100\FUN." :troll1:
    3 points
  3. Кросс сервер снова доступен.
    2 points
  4. 1. Chi Brew ineraction with passive Brewing: Man 2. On this server when Chi brew crits it only adds 3 mana teas. 3. According to http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Brewing:_Mana_Tea "You have a chance equal to your crit chance to generate double the Mana Tea charges." Chi brew adds 2 teas regardless therefore should be 2x2=4 mana teas. 4.10/05/18 5.Realm x100 6.10/10 since mana control is crucial in pvp and pve.
    2 points
  5. Темы, а также связанные с ними баны - нелепая формальность и бутафория. Главное, что от своей позорной истории не отмыться никогда. Тебя же, аудитория сего форума запомнит как настоящего героя, открывающего глаза на происходящее, и это самое главное!
    2 points
  6. 1. http://db.pandawow.me?spell=138156/item-priest-t15-shadow-2p-bonus http://db.pandawow.me?spell=589 http://db.pandawow.me?spell=34914 2. Не продлевает действие http://db.pandawow.me?spell=589 http://db.pandawow.me?spell=34914 на 1 такт. 3. Должен продлевать действие на 1 такт. Например , если у приста 50% хасты , то у ВТ 8 тиков за 16 секунд , значит 1 тик в 2 секунды. 2P Т15 бонус будет давать + 1 к тику , в данном случаи он продлит ВТ на 2 секунды(швп должно работать точно так же). Если у приста 30% хасты , то у ВТ 7 тиков за 16 секунд , значит 1 тик в ~2.285 сек , в данном случаи 2P T15 бонус продлит ВТ на ~2.285 сек (1 тик). Подление дот от 2 кусков всегда зависит от хасты . Чем больше хасты , тем на меньшее время продлеваются доты и соответственно наоборот. 4. 8/10 (При определенном билде хорошо апает дпс ШП). 5. x100\fun
    1 point
  7. 1. Таракашонок 2. х100 3. Начал стрелять в данного рогу, после чего он начал рывками подниматься вверх. 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]132953[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132954[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132955[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132956[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132957[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132958[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132959[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132960[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  8. Может, кто-то скажет мне, в чем прикол? Почему способность http://db.pandawow.me?spell=34433 наносит урона больше чем http://db.pandawow.me?spell=200174???!!! Видео Тайминг: Способность http://db.pandawow.me?spell=200174 - 0:02 (Наносит по 29600 за удар) Способность http://db.pandawow.me?spell=34433 - 1:02 (Наносит 33800 за удар) В описании к способности http://db.pandawow.me?spell=200174 написано "Позволяет призывать более сильное исчадие Тьмы, которое наносит более значительный урон и восполняет жрецу больше маны" А на деле как? Наносит меньше, так ещё и маны меньше регенит....
    1 point
  9. ведь именно так оно и работает
    1 point
  10. But we're sure it's at least under 100k, so we can go from there. I take Jimjim aka #1 hpal world over a random player
    1 point
  11. Saying something positive cause I really became elightened by this amazingly written guide.
    1 point
  12. Gr8 guide. Good job. Also i laughed so hard on the SAC image xD
    1 point
  13. But what do i play in 2s?
    1 point
  14. Likely to be very ineffective and abused at the same time.
    1 point
  15. При смене фракции там входит:смена ника, внешности и выбор противоположной фракции рас.
    1 point
  16. КИСА ПЕРЕЖРАЛА ИРИСА, как же неудобно заходить в тред, когда ты написал последнее сообщение. Ужос.
    1 point
  17. Косарь за 550 вара с тмогами?0_0 Щас куплю вара за 770 и продам тебе за касарь :troll1:
    1 point
  18. Thread closed (author's request).
    1 point
  19. У автора было 2 часа и 5 страниц, чтобы сказать что-то по факту. Нет смысла держать тему дальше. Закрыто.
    1 point
  20. Gj finding these bugs. It’s amazing to see that hpal only suffer from bad bugs. Nothing is wrong with it. Yes yes, let ppl who dont play hpal look for the bugs while the one that mains it enjoy the current broken state. This behavior is just disgusting and biased. No way hpal only have these bugs that makes them bad... I do enjoy you reporting bugs and you’re doing a good job. However, you really need to report some bugs that will actually balance out your class. You do know (I hope so) that hpal right now is the best healer, right? You need to stop being biased, honestly. Otherwise GJ - - - Updated - - - Every class have bugs, every spec have bugs that is good and bad for them. It’s sinoly BS to say otherwise. You telling people to take a look at hapl while you main it and don’t want to is such bullshit and a lame excuse to enjoy how broken it is. I tried to find some bugs and I couldn’t. Mainly because I don’t play it much and I don’t know much about it, but I inow the general and obvious. That’s why it would be nice for someone like you to find those bugs, because you have experience and more knowledge when it comes to hpal.
    1 point
  21. вон бука раньше тоже багала :troll1: а бедный зилька так и не научися :С
    1 point
  22. Diper, ну попробуй. балалайкать все горазды. Это ЧАСТНЫЙ сервер, кто платит за размещение сервера - тот и решает кого на что назначать. Создай свой серувер и диктуй правила как захочешь.
    1 point
  23. Банов никому не будет по этому собранию сочинений.
    1 point
  24. старая версия:https://www.dropbox.com/s/8asf1v4nceq4s55/KillShot.7z?dl=0 более новая пока в процессе допиливания - - - Updated - - - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uf38je4stlfu8lu/SayKarma.7z?dl=0
    1 point
  25. 1. Ник "Fromthecover" 2. pandawow x100 3. Прокачал Воргена(друида) до 90, обучился всем перелетам (кроме полета на змеях) но облик продвинутой птицы (которая 310% полета) нету только которая 150%. Персонажа исправлял... Не помогло. Писал в тех. поддержу в игре, в ответе мне написали что я должен быть в игре что бы мне помочь, но отвечают там не за 5-10 минут, а в игре ждать сутки пока мне ответят я не могу...Надеюсь тут мне помогут с етой проблемой [ATTACH=CONFIG]132917[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132918[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132919[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]132920[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  26. Фикс требует доработки. После каста Сверкающей молнии если применить дзен медитацию каст мнгновенно прекращается, и игрок продолжает взглядом "проважать" игрока на которого он до этого применял СВеркающую молнию. (баг отменяется, если игрок самостоятельно изменит положение камеры или просто сдвигется сместа). Но Дзен медитация все-ровно не должна прерываться мгновенно. Часть с псевдо-левитацией исправлена, Заживляющий туман не вызывает баг подобный тому, что описан выше, актуально толко для сверкающей молнии.
    1 point
  27. Исправлено и протестировано.
    1 point
  28. yeah, but the problem is that it usually is not your l2p issue. yday I was playing my druid at smth about 1850 mmr, and got some 522 rogue with 0cr who was just running circles on the arena, we were fighting low mmr team and we lost both games, and i got -35 per each which is pretty sad. What could I possibly do? Nothing, you can't win 2v3 playing really really good. To win 2v3 you need your opponents to play really REALLY bad.
    1 point
  29. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
    1 point
  30. Здравствуйте. Нужно оформлять тему в баг-трекере по правилам, а в не:
    1 point
  31. Модификатор /castsequence выполняет действия по очереди, дефолтно будет использован сначала первый элемент, потом второй, третий, четвертый, и так пока элементы не закончатся, когда элементов больше нет - макрос начинает выполнять алгоритм заного, то бишь /[color="#FF0000"]castsequence[/color][color="#B22222"] Лунный огонь[/color], [color="#800080"]Солнечный огонь[/color] Сначала использует Элемент "А", потом Элемент "Б", т.к Элемента "В" нет, после выполнения Элемента "Б" будет заного запущен Элемент "А" Так же Модификатор /castsequence может быть дополнен модификатором reset=N, где N - таймерная велечина, по истичении которой макрос переходит в исходное состояние, и использует Элемент "А", вне зависимости от того в какой фазе был макрос на момент истечения таймерной велечины. то бишь, если макрос выглядит следующим образом: /[color="#FF0000"]castsequence[/color] [b][color="#FFA07A"]reset=3[/color][/b] [color="#B22222"]Лунный огонь[/color], [color="#800080"]Солнечный огонь[/color] То по истичении трех секунд макрос начнет снова использовать сначала Лунный огонь. Таймер запускается сразу после использования макроса, то есть если он установлен на трех секундах, то если макрос не был использован в течении трех секунд - он переходит в исходное состояние. (но если макрос нажать еще раз - таймер запустится заного, и поэтому обнулится он только если его не использовать N-секунд) Простым языком: Макрос бесконечно по кругу использует указанные через запятую элементы. И только.
    1 point
  32. Исправлено / Fixed
    1 point
  33. Fixed, will be applied after update.
    1 point
  34. Никакой, подобные макросы больше не работают.
    1 point
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