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Everything posted by Harbinger88

  1. Patch 5.4.8 just came out on x10 and this problem has not been fixed yet... This was posted in April, and you have not fixed a single proc for months. And if Killing Machine, Rime, and Shadow infusion work why Sudden Doom does not?
  2. If i can't test properly can someone else test this and tell me what i did wrong? And what damage does Shadow Infusion increase 'diseases and other crap' what other crap? Please show me a combat log so we can all see that other crap Shadow Infusion can increase.
  3. But the rune and glyph bugs are a major problem for most DKs if the runes are bugy and don't work correctly then thee whole class is not working correctly, and there is no pet related bug that adds dmg to the DK instead of the pet i tested it (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=89165) Quasimodo is just spreading demogogy.
  4. Harbinger88

    Raise Dead

    Quasimodo please stop spreading demogogy.
  5. Before Shadow Infusion [ATTACH=CONFIG]54438[/ATTACH], After Shadow Infusion [ATTACH=CONFIG]54439[/ATTACH] As you see there is no difference in DKs damage or stats. The ghoul without Shadow Infusion did 8k dmg and with Shadow Infusion it did around 14k dmg. That means that Shadow Infusion is working correctly and you are lying, if I was a GM i would permaban you for making me waste my time on this.
  6. This problem might be fixed in the upcoming patch (5.4.8), but i don't think they will fix it. They will just ignore this as they ignored all other DK problems. There are a lot of DK Glyphs that don't work and they never bothered to fix them.
  7. I said that it's a one shot macro ofc it will hit hard as fuck. Normally it absorbs 30-50k, depending on your gear.
  8. It's reduced by resilience, all 90 lvl players have 75% resilience it's not going to be 100k healing absorb with one strike. The most healing absorb i did in one hit was 80k with my one shot macro.
  9. Read the fucking tool tip you fucking cunt!!!http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=73975/necrotic-strike
  10. I was dueling vs all type of mages i don't remember what specs they were but I remember not being able to move for the most of the duels. It's not always the burst they have but the CC they put on you, that is what is making them OP. And the bugged arcane where i get hit by a 200K Frost Bomb and 100K Ice Lance it so nice when that happens.
  11. The title of Most OP DPS class has to go to the mages, I have no fucking idea how they managed to stay under the nerf bat radar for so long. The burst, CC, escape tools, pets, illusions, etc, simply insane. You don't know what OP is until you duel one, warlocks, warriors, rogues they are all bitch when you compare them with the power of the mage. I dueld many high rated players (from 2000 to 2700) the only class that beats me is always the mage I have lost so many duels vs this class it unbelievable, when i see a mage on a BG it's like someone is putting needles in my eyes. The Most OP healer class is the monk. Do i even have to explain why? I will just say that i did arena with a MW monk in starter gear and got to 2200 rating in few hours and i got the achievement Hot Streak, and Hotter Streak in one day. There is not much to say except they are OP as fuck
  12. Priority: 1/10 It is just a minor glyph and it's not that big of a deal for mages, we have other classes to fix we can't waste time on pointless glyphs
  13. Mages are not nerfed enuff. They have 1 min worth of CC, there DMG is too great even in low gear, and they have nothing to cast because most of their spells are instant casts. When you compare mages with other caster classes you will see that the mages are the superior caster class. Mages don't have to worry about Diminishing Returns because they have many different kind of CC like Roots, Stuns, Silences ect... unless they are spamming polymorf, and on top of that they have a great escape mechanicks Blink, Ice Block, Blazing Speed, Alter Time ect... Mages are doing great as it is (highest rated players on this server) and they don't need fixes unless it's a nerf.
  14. Frost mage DMG is fine as it is. We have other classes to fix and you are not a property.
  15. If we're talking about balancing the game, you might wanna remove Mages, the most overpowered class ever. I love when mages are QQ-ing about balance in PVP it so funny. And not to mention the instant casts, comparing to other caster classes mages look like they have machine guns for hands. I would like to see a mage playing Shaman or a Boomkin to see how real casters are played.
  16. I really funny seeing mages QQ because then don't 1 shot everyone. The problem is not game braking, it does not affect PVP very much. Other classes have bigger problems so please go QQ somewhere else.
  17. You do 35k damage what more do you want, to do 100k-300k Ice Lance? Why dont we just give you an instant kill button? You have enough CC, you don't need more damage. We need to keep it like this because its more balanced. I don't want to see low geared mages do shit ton of DMG with no skill.
  18. This is not a priority warriors still Avatar and Storm Bolt that are much better then Bloodbath, its not a huge bug when you compare it to other classes which have bigger problems. Please stop QQ-ing and lets fix some real problems
  19. "Any Fear, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 12 seconds when used against players in PvP, and fear is affected by diminishing returns." "The fact that it has a somewhat low chance of breaking on damage" There is a chance to break on damage not when you take 10-13% of max health or 40-50k damage. The problem is that Fears like Intimidating Shout, Psychic Scream and warlock fears do not brake at all no matter how much damage you take while feared. And there are no diminishing returns on fears they always last there fill duration. Its not only the warrior fear all fears suffer from the same problem. 10/10-Must be fixed not just for warrior but for all classes!!!
  20. Thats why i dont play Frost DKs.
  21. Why is this not fixed yet? This is the most essential part of the DKs play style and we are at a huge disadvantage because of it. Please fix this as fast as you can!!! Priority: 1000/10!!!
  22. Is this ever going to be fixed? The DK's runes and rune related abilities are bugged and they barely work at all. All of the 75 lvl talents are bugged, Blood Tap does not work like it should or sometimes it does nothing at all, Runic Empowerment is retarded, and Runic Corruption is not working as intended. Sudden Doom sometimes works sometimes it does not, and the Glyph of Death's Embrace that worked in patch 5.0.5 does not work in patch 5.4(How did you fuck that up?). I know that you tried to fix this in Changelog #10 on 5.4.2 but this still is not working. This is essential to the DK in PVP and PVE. Without our rune managing abilities we are at a HUGE disadvantage.
  23. Panda WoW FUN its a multi-boxer and his mane is chinese so here are some pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]32986[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32987[/ATTACH] And how do i report hackers with Chiniese or symbols in there name?
  24. 1.Agners 2.Fun 3.Fly Hack 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]25343[/ATTACH]
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