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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. take a look at the tooltip 1) this effect has a 30 sec cooldown 2) when u attack them back, sparring is amplified by an additional 5%, stacks up to 3 times
  2. fixed
  3. Heisenberg

    Fan of Knives

    Fixed make a new report with that bug
  4. yes i know, i'm working on it, thanks
  5. fixed, ty
  6. Fixed
  7. Fixed problem with glyph of efflorescence
  8. Fixed
  9. fixed
  10. Fixed
  11. Heisenberg


  12. declined, notfix was after original changes
  13. fixed
  14. Я поправил это у гриба, проверьте на QA. Пока перенесу в "применяется" test SoF, swift and shroom on QA
  15. this too Can use Cenarion Ward on the Shroom (not major lel)
  16. fixed
  17. ffffixed
  18. Возможно варлок в момент прока далеко был? Кстати вопрос - прок должен идти от шамана или от того, кого хилило заклинание?
  19. yes it is
  20. Fixed
  21. Исправлено
  22. Исправлено
  23. fixed dat too
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