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Everything posted by StarCaller

  1. Or just add me on skype and call me! Always open for a chat ;)
  2. Oh yeeeessssssssssssss
  3. How to beat a warrior? Easy say you lost and they will start typing how much of a noob you are and under that time you just kill them. Fact: almost every warrior loves to brag about how op they are so use their weakness against them.
  4. Oh using first names are we be careful others might take that as cheating ;)
  5. Hello everyone on PandaWow! As you all know Xmas(so 2010 btw xD) is coming up soon! So I will have another give away! This time we will do mounts again! Here is what you need to do to receive a mount: Type the name of the character: The realm you are playing on: What mount you would like: And the reason why you would like to have it: I will start with 3 mounts but if we get more people I will increase the amount of mounts! (Remember to have a good reason!) Good luck too all! Regards, StarCaller
  6. You are not able to do this even is the site lags.... you will come to another screen where you will have to type in a number on how many "Change Nick/Gender" you want to buy + this is posted in the wrong section if you want an answer from another admin post it in this section: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=166 Closed.
  7. I have a sp on both x10, x100 & FUN and it works on all realms.
  8. Read this http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=71317
  9. Check this here mate: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=104849
  10. Hello I have a little problem again.. What problem: My forum title bugged out again for me. What is says now: Местный What it should say: International Technical Support (English, Finnish, Swedish) Chat Moderator (x100) Hope it will get fixed and I will try to figure out why it's always bugging. Regards, StarCaller
  11. maybe do this in the right section...
  12. What the actual fuck? (excuse my french).
  13. Closed.
  14. Please no need to complain here.
  15. I know the feels bro.... I know the feels....
  16. Hello Funkimonk, Nice to hear the your problem is now solved, topic closed. To get a lower cool-down on your http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=6948 you have to join a guild that is level 8 or higher (read this http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=83944/hasty-hearth) If you have any further questions you can contact me with: Forum PM Skype (you will find my Skype on my forum profile) RaidCall (read this thread) Regards, StarCaller
  17. We use this format to fastly read it and get them vanned easier. Thogh I don't see the problem in writing it after the format it's simple and easy.
  18. I will from now on sit in this group every day between the time 5-9pm GTM +2 I will also announce in-game when I'm online. Regards, StarCaller
  19. Hello Players and Staff on Pandawow. I worked here for a very long time and I have seen every thing from heaven to earth happen here on the forums and in-game. I been here from patch 5.0.5 to the current patch 5.4.8 I have seen the game play change as well as the server. I have seen players leave and players join. I been here when they updated the websites shop. But now I think it's time to let the forum have it's turn, right? I myself would love to help the people out who fixes it. I am not saying it's bad don't get me wrong! We could just use an visual update to look more appealing to new players. Hope you all agree. And if there are any people out there that can make forum I'm open to see what you can do! Hope the rest of the staff team agrees, I'm looking at you specially Juster & Zeox. Regards, StarCaller
  20. Well this was pretty fun to read :O Tho the trainer works fine can you please say the realm you are on?
  21. Hello Argok, please rewrite your problem here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=166 and remember to follow the rules given here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=73154 Closed. regards, StarCaller
  22. Please add me as well if you get further problems, you can find my skype at my forum profile. (I will always answer if I'm not wait a sec or I will tell you if I'm busy and will contact you when I'm free) Regards, StarCaller
  23. Please do make a bug report here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=185 Follow the rules written here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Closed. Regards, Starcaller
  24. As my college uraganuu said. They don't go cross realm anymore, was taken away a few months ago. read the news.
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