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Everything posted by StarCaller

  1. If you report a player for this he will get banned but otherwise, it's not like GMs run after every player on the server.. just to check their tmog
  2. BPC? You mean ICC? and it's not bugged. The mount dropped last week for me.
  3. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121122211339/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/b/bb/Deal_with_it_pb.gif CLOSED.
  4. There are now Forum groups for ALLIANCE and the HORDE. Choose your side (or join both) Don't miss out on anything U never know what will be posted. ;) :horde:HORDE OR ALLIANCE:alliance:
  5. I'm sick and been sick over the weekend I will do them when I'm better
  6. Please, could some higher up admin fix it.
  7. Wat did I just read?
  8. make sure you ahve the Realm list Right: SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"
  9. WotLK Dungeons & Raids : Receive a small amount of Justice Points Cata Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Justice Points Cata Raids : Receive a small amount of Valor Points Mop Normal Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Justice Points Mop Heroic Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Valor Points Mop Raids : Receive a small amount of Valor Points You are welcome. Topic Closed.
  10. Wrong section. Moved. Remember to rewrite it as a bug report. Thank you. Cheers StarCaller.
  11. http://i.gyazo.com/29f10627eb7090d20638815248c2abca.png Went to the fight master in Area 52 and chose to go to The Black Portal, I ended up in mid air and having a DK killing me. #onlyonFUNrealm
  12. There are no rules about this problem D:
  13. http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/59710880.jpg
  14. Преместен в форума български. Moved to the Bulgarian forum. Cheers, StarCaller
  15. Hello Repitchx, I see why you are frustrated and I can totally understand why you suggest this and I would totally support this but I'm afraid that this won't go thru. And if you have any future questions ask away I'm glad to help, I have been looking for information about how the server works and I think now I know how.
  16. maybe find the thief in the Guild then, the glyphs can be becuz of the server crashing.
  17. I wont be able to do atm signatures with wow chars since my Model viewer wont work again... sorry and aswell I dislike signatures with wow chars in (they both look bad ofc imo, and I hate doing them)
  18. Thread moved to Fun Realm.
  19. Just a warm up http://i.imgur.com/kFZjv2F.png
  20. Please read. :) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122125&p=812636&viewfull=1#post812636
  21. If you let the mods do their job in peace you wont even notice them and if you follow the rules you wont be muted. here are just for u the 3) Criteria for Mutes: 1. Insults towards players - from 240 to 360 minutes 2. Public/veiled obscene speech - from 120 to 240 minutes 3. Flood : sending the same message with a periodicity of less then 10 seconds - from 60 to 120 minutes 3.1 Linking item/spell+obscene and other words (anus, dick, admin etc) - 720 minutes 4. Caps Lock in chat: writing messages in capital letters - from 30 to 90 minutes 5. Chat Color: writing messages with colored letters - 1000 minutes 6. Insults towards countries and their leadership. - from 300 to 720 minutes
  22. Read and enjoy. I mute a guy for spamming and then it all begins. Random Guy: HAHAHAHAHAH how does it feel to get muted dude! Starcaller: I did not get muted. Random Guy: WAT?!? you are a hacker, reported bitch Starcaller: read the server message again, I was the one muting him Random Guy: Oh how do U mute people, are U some bugger or something? HAHAHA will report u for muting players Starcaller: No, I'm and chat mod. Random guy: OH so U claim to be a staff member U know that is against the rules U will be reported U cunt (at this point I facepalm so hard...) Starcaller: No I'm a staff member, you can check the admin list on the forums in the same post U read the rules.... Random Guy: Ahh i see now, so why did that guy get muted? Starcaller: In the server message it's says clearly the "reason" why he got muted (Here I just wanna kill myself...) Random Guy: Oh okay I see now, how do I become a admin? Starcaller: atm I have been told the staff team is full so we don't need new people Random Guy: oh so sad I was GM here before and i just wanted to get back Starcaller: really? what was ur name? Random Guy: my name was ....(says something totally random name) Starcaller: Well I found ur forum account u have one post on it... Starcaller: You know that claiming to be a Staff member is bannable righ Random Guy: hey dude wanna buy a Rogue ilvl 550 with a nice transmog? Starcaller: No. Random Guy: Oh okay, cya Starcaller: cya After this I was just like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat just happend"
  23. Well hello Mark. My name is StarCaller but I go by many other names choose witch U want but I prefer StarCaller. I'm 18 years old soon 19 and I worked on this server for soon a year and I played here longer so if U have any questions feel free to ask. PS. I prefer brunettes
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