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Everything posted by StarCaller

  1. wait for a GM answers.
  2. Please add links for the item you want added and it might get added.
  3. It wont start or does it say something when U start it up?
  4. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87584/secret-tiger-claw-inscription is only for those who have 600 skill points in Inscription
  5. Repair your character from the website several times. Then if it doesn't work please post here again.
  6. Please screen shots.
  7. This things happen sadly we can't do anythintg about this try again next week. Legendarys can not be used as transmog.
  8. have you considered that u might need a buff for it to work? READ!
  9. What error? read this thread
  10. Item fixed in PvP long time ago.
  11. Blackwing Lair, you can only do it solo even though you are in a group. Also remember to add that you don't have to be in a group to enter any raids or dungeons on this server I will continue read and see if I find anything. There are more alliance on this server than horde pls add that.
  12. Find me in a month on here and you will receive something cool :D Starts at 1.4. ends at 30.4. Happy hunting!
  13. I wish you the best of luck!
  14. Yes we know that but we are all lazy mf that just wants it in English.
  15. What? Alliance lost a Battleground and I wasn't in it? O:
  16. Have you shared your account info with anyone?
  17. I will try to install PandaWoW on my Windows 8 but I doubt that is the problem, please add a screen shot the error you get when you try to start the client. Cheers StarCaller!
  18. Please try to post you problem here and remember to read the rules here at least add screenshots, and I wish the best of luck to you.
  19. Read this thread.
  20. Does it only crash? or does it also say something?
  21. Add me on skype pls.
  22. Alts som ni kan adda på x100 :horde:Horde: :mage::undead1:Neon 550 ilvl Fire Mage :hunter::bloodelf2:Qeon 550 ilvl BM Hunter :warlock::undead1:Peon 530 ilvl Destro Lock :warrior::goblin2:Ceon 450 ilvl Arms Warr (börja just geara) :druid::troll2:Ueon lvl 15 (bank alt, kanske levlar och gearar upp efter Warr) Dessa karakterer är inte på en Admin account och kan bli addade, jag är också i en guild som är kallad Hall of Fame (inte svensk men väldigt trevliga medlemmar)
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