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Everything posted by jedinko

  1. Name of the Spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge Description of the Issue : Charge is working so bad since there was some correction , that I'm gonna seperate this to a few parts : Whenever you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge on a target that is staying in one place ,then there will be no problems , However if the target is moving (or sprinting or dashing) your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge will NOT reach your target correctly . It will stop the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge -ing before you reached the target which gives a lot of time for the target to run away without you being able to put http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1715/hamstring on it ! Video Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lWt...ature=youtu.be If you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge , the moment you are getting Crowd Controlled , for example with a(n) : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115078/paralysis , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44572/deep-freeze http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115268/mesmerize et cetera(etc.) then what will happen afterwards is : You will be in the same place as you were when you used charge instead of moving to the target in the Crowd Control (the correct way) Video Proof : https://youtu.be/0lWtg-7wlBQ?t=34s Date : 2015/04/11 This bug is on every single realm (100x//Fun) Priority : In my opinion this is clearly a 10/10 since http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge REALLY IS your main ability that can help you , but currently you can waste 2 charges (with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=103827/double-time) just by getting 2 Crowd Control ... it is really easy if you do it right... Side note : since i came back i realised a lot of ppl exploiting this ... they wait for the charge all the time to just use CC and bam no charge !
  2. Server:Panda wow 100x Account username:momakx21 Character name:Imbanatic-u see cm set im send in wroring realm http://imgur.com/ojJSzgp Time of buying item: 2 days Problem is: i wanted to send my cm set in fun realm name same:Imbanatic
  3. 1.http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58368/glyph-of-mortal-strike 2.Glyph mortal of strike ---->It should be a buff, not a debuff. 3.ss-------> http://imgur.com/ct99K5F 4.Test-14.11.2015 (23:16pm) 5.Realm fun
  4. Server:Panda wow 100x Account username:momakx21 Character name:Imbanatic-u see cm set im send in wroring realm http://imgur.com/ojJSzgp Time of buying item: 2 days Problem is: i wanted to send my cm set in fun realm name same:Imbanatic
  5. So guys i want sell my warr on 100x 522 ilvl with cm set+60k gold + prof Blacksmithing+Tailoring
  6. 1.http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58369/glyph-of-bloody-healing 2.Not working testing in realm fun and 100x 3.ss http://imgur.com/m2zg7kd 4.Increases the healing you receive from bandages by 20% while your Deep Wounds is active...(when im equip this glyphs not give anyting) (11:27) 5.realm fun and 100x 6.9/10
  7. how fix this problem??? http://imgur.com/fDkEzMO
  8. no no Takaa ist not bugged its real
  9. u see thos fly hax dk grip me out of map ban this kids....... realm fun name podereporta ss http://imgur.com/IQQNCKU,PeLlTcq
  10. kid haxinator in arena ss:http://imgur.com/3UnHJjW
  11. aww im not bad 2nd
  12. kids haxinators in arena fly hax u can see here http://imgur.com/jWCjkDA,MQvf1gI#0
  13. jedinko

    Show your UI

  14. I dont know why ring of frost not fixed men when mage use ring of frost stun me 8 sec!!!! and easy win me in arenas plx
  15. hi all i want sell my char and say me Error! You can not sell character with money
  16. fly hax in bg http://imgur.com/dH6Z8Z8
  17. Hello all can any help me with this im re-install my Windows,so u see im download Panda Wow AND when im run 64-wow exe this error...... http://i.imgur.com/NzFrmIn.png
  18. Good Moring can any help me with fix this problem i can't play with this shit http://imgur.com/mpP949L
  19. My warrior keybinds http://imgur.com/gg8ExsT
  20. stupid server lose rating for this bug sry im leave this shit server.
  21. realm:fun i lose 45 rating for this fking bug 4x time falling down ss:http://imgur.com/a/Gt3NZ
  22. fun realm http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  23. u see this kid stay and watch........ easy class nub http://imgur.com/AG9QdVj prist name Epiales mage Filhodomau realm fun nice nub dont know playing arenas easy class nub - - - Updated - - - more ss http://i.imgur.com/PvokCPq.jpg
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