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Everything posted by jedinko

  1. 2 haxinators(kids pro nub) fly hax in battle 1.Hantik hunter ss http://imgur.com/5HWCcEM 2. Tyuuk paladin http://imgur.com/fsmWEgB http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  2. fly hax in bg Annggiee realm:fun ss:http://imgur.com/0GN8TbZ
  3. haha is not true u not give buff for nothing interrupting spellcasting
  4. So i today played arenas with my freind and i get dc in 08:00 my rating is 2398 when im back my rating is 2366 can u fix dat problem in arena.
  5. jedinko

    Rallying Cry

    men all know dat bug!
  6. Hello all today i run The Eye inistance i finish all boss and i come with last boss Kael'thas Sunstrider(http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=19622/kaelthas-sunstrider) and i killed him and u can see i can drop him reason is too is away from me................. ss:http://imgur.com/W3kJKpp
  7. Here i have problem Loss of Control Alerts not working----------------> ss http://i.imgur.com/RhkL4i4.jpg How is work Loss of Control Alerts------->>>> When u lose full control on u self from Banish,Charm.Stun.Disorient,Polymorph,Fear,Horror,Sap,Sleep,Cyclone...... i like this blizzard Lose of Control i know ppl ageree with me..... Here u can watch this video --------------> http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  8. 1.http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58369/glyph-of-bloody-healing 2.Not working in panda wow fun!!! 3.Increases the healing you receive from bandages by 20% while your Deep Wounds is active...(when im equip this glyphs is not give anyting) (7:35) 5.Realm(fun) 6.8/10 http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  9. are u fking kidding me 920 k hp warlock have?
  10. Monk in bg fly hax im dont know how i called,im not speak Russian http://i.imgur.com/LtTVwLX.jpg ups ist monk
  11. Ye i true i que bg and need wait 20-27min for que why what is fking reason?
  12. ye this are bull shit i ageere with him here rogue is so much bugged when pop one shot macro is op fking nubs
  13. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74379[/ATTACH] Here u can see this 3 MPQ PATCH........ im download him........... [ATTACH=CONFIG]74380[/ATTACH] Can any help me with this patch................ - - - Updated - - - this is problem when im run Wow exe ............[ATTACH=CONFIG]74381[/ATTACH]
  14. Hello someone explain to me why everyone is here taken pve gear in what this mystery ... I do not understand how pve gear could be stronger than pvp gear.Im years playing on the original, and I have never seen someone to play in the bg, arenas etc. with pve gear .... is there bugged pve gear.Here children play 10 years or more and thoughts that are the pray with dk monk, hunter, fell etc and play with crappy pve gear, whether someone explain to me what's the mystery. ... Ps and played here 10 days and i dont know.... and here are 60-70% class have bugges spell........ http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  15. Hello someone explain to me why everyone is here taken pve gear in what this mystery ... I do not understand how pve gear could be stronger than pvp gear.Im years playing on the original, and I have never seen someone to play in the bg, arenas etc. with pve gear .... is there bugged pve gear.Here children play 10 years or more and thoughts that are the pray with dk monk, hunter, fell etc and play with crappy pve gear, whether someone explain to me what's the mystery. ... Ps and played here 10 days and i dont know.... and here are 60-70% class have bugges spell........ http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  16. Hello there....... I dont know Russian languages and i dont know how is called this hunter.... u can see use fly hax in bg..... Realm:fun Here Ss 1.http://i.imgur.com/iWbPg5G.jpg 2.http://i.imgur.com/qUg2PEd.jpg 3.http://i.imgur.com/mt9NjHZ.jpg http://i59.tinypic.com/ibeukj.jpg
  17. Hello again me what is problem with this i can't log in wow [ATTACH=CONFIG]73885[/ATTACH]
  18. Hello can any help me i donate wroning item can any refund then here is ss............ my number for donation is 063876309 not fake Here u can see this is wroning item purple legs im need Red Legs....http://i.imgur.com/BdoikGz.jpg
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