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Everything posted by voidzander

  1. Yeah bonus loot works in some instances though its instances mainly used for things like transmog the better instances like Seige Of Orgrimar doesint have bonus loot and Throne of thunder though i have seen bonus loot in Heart of Fear.
  2. wel its actualy pretty easy to complete it just get 2 or even 1 strong dps and kill it before it gets to fly away at phase 1.If u cant it will bug and u cant do anything after that.
  3. Would be great if it was fixed especially as healers wont get one shotted in one hex followed by one interrupt.
  4. Why not just stop arguing and wait on the GM's decision instead? would be better.
  5. Damn a report can spiral so far to become a insult contest i say they should just close this thread seriously and get that profile (http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=58347) banned already.
  6. Idk i pasted the (me cago en tu puta madre) in Google translate cant see a reference to mother there maybe its wrong but i dont think so...
  7. I dont see whats the insult even being called a niggar im called that 24/7 even though im not. Just ignore it move on No point in being so sensitive to what other people say.
  8. wel i cant see that u can reflect the hex it just comes up with You are poly morphed error. - - - Updated - - - http://imgur.com/mf73uDJ here u can see the damage that is done when u dispell the reflected dots in open world aswel
  9. True it works as intended :P usefull spell in pve as tank i use it alot and as ww dps its number one ability for self heals just read the ability properly and understand it.
  10. Yeah common bug but very easy to abuse and easy to get rid of just mount up and bam your unbugged so i would say Just do this the next time u notice it.
  11. Noticed that its impossible to gain any stacks from combo breaker reducing the dps of the class a bit would be great if it where fixed. :)
  12. Yeah noticed that too although monks mainly instant cast anyways :P Soothing mist and then instant cast the rest :P
  13. Would like to know when legendary cloaks are implemented since doing pve is fun and having legendary cloak's would be OP as hell especial since its bonuses are better than any other available Though im sure it would be sooner or later as for the rest idk why your even asking that. Its upto them what they script first and fix first.
  14. Wondering the same would like to have some info on this.
  15. maybe trying to make more people intrested :P
  16. voidzander


    5) Turbo is also good with mistweaver monk.
  17. Its a visual bug i have it on one of my characters just use macro's to cast them /cast "proffesion name"
  18. Not actualy insulting your mother hes just saying it to u but K.
  19. Lol its alowed to have a friends acount if he wishes to share his info no rule's against it...
  20. Hope more sing up for this And good luck repitchx :)
  21. Yeah obvious use of flight hacks there is no way to get up there normal way.
  22. Yeah that's not allowed actualy but they still do it though.
  23. So basicly if i was to make a character change accounts it wont happen either because we cant receive any emails ?.
  24. name : some chinese name sry realm : wel its cross server now so http://imgur.com/a/vBF9m please just ban him -.-
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