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Everything posted by Shadrissa

  1. 30 мин мута.
  2. Banned,
  3. Забанила.
  4. Уже забанен аккаунт.
  5. Один акк в бане, Джеки Чан - давно уже на форуме, мейн (был им, по крайней мере).
  6. Отправьте мне в лс новую почту. В сообщении прикрепите ссылку на тему.
  7. Where is it? For the pfoofs of Ninja looter is nessuary to make ss of whole dialog where we can to see an agreement the distribution of the loot. Declined.
  8. 30 минут мута.
  9. 30 минут мута.
  10. 30 минут мута.
  11. Игрок не найден.
  12. Hello. I've saw account logs and found that your IP was only once (2016-07-18 20). There is mostly another Ip.
  13. Sorry, I can't help with stolen character. And don't do it anymore. I help only with account access / email changes / phone number etc. Follow the security rules of your account.
  14. Hello. This account has lot of different IPs and it makes me doubt of what it's your account. Now we're working on development the new control panel, so it should to solve all inside problems with changing the email, passwords etc. So you can wait and try to change it again by the end of this development. Also did you try to bind the phone number to the account?
  15. Hello. It'll be changed in the near time. Wait please.
  16. The data was sent by private message.
  17. Closed.
  18. As far as I remember, I already said you that it's not possible to get back the stolen char. I can't solve this problems if some char was sold several times. Actually I don't solve so problems at all. Only help with account access / email changes / phone nubmer etc. I'm sorry. And don't get mad at me. It was impossible to solve this problem originally. So time of my reply here doesn't matter.
  19. Who are owners of this IPs (50.*.194.218; 71.*.151.41; 5.*.241.27; 46.*.190.70; 101.*.37.158)? I see a lot of different IPs in the logs, so there is a little problem of the proofs that it's real your account.
  20. Well, first of all, try to describe me the situation, cuz it's your the 3rd thread about account problems created by different user names. And I see the same IPs for all of this. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198250 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198172
  21. Hello. Who are owners of this IPs (94.*.224.227, 87.*.181.135)?
  22. Hello. Who are owners of this IPs (212.*.248.209; 85.*.23.57; 87.*.168.185; 94.*.224.227)?
  23. It'll be changed in the near time. Wait please.
  24. Ответили под обжалованием.
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