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Everything posted by sotoh
Well I didn't get the spell in a MoP database but the main goal is the extra 11 Runic Power. - - - Updated - - - I thought everybody get the main point of this report.
Make "Topical" this bro Furmetal
I hope you understand this
yee, but I did before
1. Название не работает заклинание: Морозная дымка. 2. Описание проблемы: Когда Получить Морозная дымка любителем и брось свободный Ледяное прикосновение или Воющий ветер Вы получите дополнительные 10 Руническая сила (11 Власть льда). 3. как она должна работать: кастинг бесплатно заклинание Ледяное прикосновение или Воющий ветер Вы не можете получить Руническая сила как, если она исходит от рун. Описание говорит «ваш следующий Ледяное прикосновение или Воющий ветер будет потреблять не руны и генерировать без Руническая сила" 4. Дата, когда вы проверял. 17/10/2015 5. realm (x 100/x 5/весело ), на котором вы нашли ошибку: весело область. 6. приоритет проблемы. 3/10 (1-10) он дает дополнительную Руническая сила
Yes in this is showed at 1:24 the target receive a critical strike by the Killing Machine buff and the root last to full duration. Well as you saw root spells like Staggering Shout, Entangling Roots show how it must works, how many lasts and how it must be interrupted. Chilblains talent doesn't work as that. Chilblains ONLY is affected by DR and immune (like Hand of Freedom). That means Chilblains do not broke for any damage, only for those mechanics mentioned above.
Both are wrong haste doesn't affect Dots like casters. This is a exception like other melee class. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8568958631
Well, i can't tell you if it is a bug or visual bug. Just look Obliterate and Frost abilities in combat log (man combat log is the most reliable tool in the game): the damage is the same in Dual Wield and 2h.
Yes there are big bug in disc priest. I think Noneedholy you didn't understand what I said and Tracker, I understood clearly what you said in the report. First of all Tracker you're wrong because when a disc make a heal, for instance 50k like in the example you said and it is a critical strike, it makes the normal critics like Aegis Divine Passive do. 50k Heal and the critical bonus is absorb buff plus mastery. What I'm trying to say is that Disc priest do not heal for a twice as much like other heals, I tested that changing specialization, talents, set and everything is fine respect to heals and critics. The bug is what uraganuu says the capacity to stack two Power Word: Shield thanks to the talent Divine Insight. That bastard talent allow to discs priests stack two PWS.
I can say about the part "Discipline Priests' 'critical' heals DOES heal for twice as much AND put an absorption shield in addition to that." critics don't heal for a twice, maybe you believe that becasue disc have more buffs to increase healing. And what Furmetal says it's not affected by Battle Fatigue, I mean, in disc healing spells have two effects, but Battle Fatigue only affect ones and it is the healing part, and about the buff Divine Aegis should be affected by Battle Fatigue, although it seems to be affected a twice it is how works. But it is not affected for Dampening, this debuff affect only heals, not absorbs so the only way to get this disc buff is through healing. - - - Updated - - - I can say about the part "Discipline Priests' 'critical' heals DOES heal for twice as much AND put an absorption shield in addition to that." critics don't heal for a twice, maybe you believe that becasue disc have more buffs to increase healing. And what Furmetal says it's not affected by Battle Fatigue, I mean, in disc healing spells have two effects, but Battle Fatigue only affect ones and it is the healing part, and about the buff Divine Aegis should be affected by Battle Fatigue, although it seems to be affected a twice it is how works. But it is not affected for Dampening, this debuff affect only heals, not absorbs so the only way to get this disc buff is through healing.
1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108196/death-siphon 2. Description of the problem. His DAMAGE and HEALING is bug Look this Video in Patch 5.3: I will try to explain why this is so bug: Death Siphon Damage = 6917-8038 (plus 33.66% of AP (Note: idk if this is right, in 5.4 dmg was increased 10% i just decreased from 37.4%, you may correct me if I'm wrong, if the formula is not for patch 5.3)) In minute 7:39 he use Death Siphon two times, and has the same heal like me in fun Realm. Look this: In 7:39 he show the following stats: Attack Power: 46244 Mastery: 30.91 PVP Power DMG: 34.17 (i guess his PVP power was 13668 (34.17*400) according to Patch Changes 5.3 "PvP Power conversion ratio to obtain 1% damage at level 90 has been changed from 265 to 400" in 5.3) Healing: 13.66 (Conversion 1% ratio is 1000 -i have doubt about his, but you may correct me if I'm wrong- (13668/1000=13.66)) Death Siphon AVG dmg: 6917 + 8038 / 2: 7477.5 (to doing an approximate to the video) plus mastery (according to the character 30.91% it mean 7477*1.3091 = 9788.8) 9788.8 + (Attack Power: 46244*0.3366) 15565 = 25354.53 25354.53 * (PVP Power) 1.3417 = 34018.17 -this is an approximate as you seen in the video- Now healing: 34018.17 * 1.5 = 51027.25 51027.25 * (PVP power) 1.1366 = 57997.57 3.How it must work. My stats: I'm Full Prideful (almost with 548), my heals are 50k per siphon, heals doesn't affected by PVP power if you see in the video in 7:39 damage 34389 get a heal of 58633 and calculations show us that are affected by PVP power. (34389*1.5*1.1366) Damage is completely bugged my DK with 71865 AP (only with Horn buff and no potion or any buff), 51.69% mastery, 57.20% Damage and 22.88% healing from PVP power is not going to deal 33k and 50k heal. Formulas are wrong. Note that dmg was increased in 5.4 10% thus more dmg and healing is what must show. And the most important note: if Death siphon is critical hit, heal must be affected too. 4.Date when you tested it. 17/10/2015 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): Fun Realm 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) 9/10
1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=59052/freezing-fog 2. Description of the problem. When get Freezing Fog buff and cast the free Icy Touch or Howling Blast you get 10 Runic Power (11 with Frost Pressence). 3.How it must work: Casting the free spell Icy Touch or Howling Blast you can't get Runic Power like if it comes from runes. The description say "Your next Icy Touch or Howling Blast will consume no runes and generate no Runic Power." 4.Date when you tested it. 17/10/2015 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug: Fun Realm. 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) 7/10 it giving extra runic power to Frost DKs.
1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Solace_and_Insanity 2. Description of the problem: When cast Penance with the talent http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123266/divine-insight the new spell Power Word: Solace instantly is changed for Holy Fire, namely, when the Divine Insight buff appear the Power Word: Solace spell becomes instantly in Holy Fire. 3.How it must work: When the buff Divine Insight appears Power Word: Solace must keep all the time until the talent is removed. 4.Date when you tested it: 03/10/2015 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug: Fun Realm. 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10): 7/10 It is part of my rotation. But also it's important for PVE. Without Divine Insight i Cast Penance all the time and Power Word: Solace suffer no changes. [ATTACH=CONFIG]93969[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]93968[/ATTACH] There with Divine Insight buff removes Power Word: Solace [ATTACH=CONFIG]93970[/ATTACH]
Yes the big issue is the Internal Cool Down. According to some Blizzard's Forums the Internal Cool Down of both enchants is 1min. Darkglow Embroidery has 1min. But Lightweave has like 2 mins with low proc chance. Both tested in Fun Realm.
What do you mean? 100k normal Heal; 40k critic heal in PVP, 40k shield (+ mastery)??, that's normal or 100k normal heal; 40k critic Heal in PVP, 16k shield (+ mastery)?? the second option affect the Disc priest by twice Disc Priest at 100% dampening they can shield it by Power Word: Shield because it is not a Heal effect, thus it doesn't affected by PVP POWER "*Note - Just ran against 2 comps with discipline priests. At 89% dampening the warrior had a 150k shield or so on him(no spirit shell)." In this point they can do that while healing occurs, they have buffs to increase healing effect, Grace and Archangel and mastery increase healing in addition of shields. Note: In Pandaria 5.2 Divine Aegis Critical Heals create a protective shield on the target absorbing the 100% of the amount healed instead of healing for twice as much. Last 15 sec. Additionally Power Word: Shield has a chance equal to your critical chance to absorb twice as much. Discipline is fine at this point.
Hello to all PandaWOW community today i decide to make this topic to ask Why Critical Strikes do double Damage? i mean Critics doing the 400% of the normal damage. I've been seen this in some cases with my both main Characters a DK and Disc Priest where my DW Frost DK sometimes doing 300k with Frost Strike 200 main-hand and 100 left-hand; the same with my Disc Priest 90k normal shield with Power Word: Shield and critic doing 400% 360K WTF I'm Almost giving another life plus my Aegis and Spirit Shell shields. I wonder if it happened to someone else? and why this happen?
There are two big problems: -Surge of Light it proc from any spell healing or damage. -2 set PVP bonus it last 10 sec instead to consume for the First mentioned healing spell.
Plague Leech doesn't work when you have at least two fully-depleted runes, it requires to have 3 fully-depleted runes and 3 regenerating, in others words don't have any runes available.
THIS IS THE BIG PROBLEM, it proc with any SPELL, in arenas, duels and BGs they're immortals they cast Power Word: Pain in all enemies and Holy fire, or Mind Sear and that Talent proc insanely, this talent only must proc from Healing Spells and Smite spells. Another Bug for Disc Priest is Renew spell critics doesn't give Divine Aegis shield.
Chilblains doesn't work properly, when you disipate Frost fever Chilblains effect should remove, and the root effect shouldn't remove by the first attack. Root effect must last to the full duration, it's not the same effect like Druid's Entangling Roots, Mage's Frosts spells or others similar effect this root is like Warrior's Hamstring only affected by Diminishing Returns and immunes. In addition Death Siphon consume two death runes instead one. Also i maked a report with Runic Corruption, where it doesn't work when land Deathcoils from Sudden Death proc, the problem is that rune regeneration doesn't appear when the deathcoils come from sudden death and actually Antimagic Zone doesn't work. Blood Tap sometimes do not consume charges.
hahaha once you're feared YOU'LL BE Dead
Nope everything what i say it's in PVP Environment.
I don't use this spell but I've seen a lot of spells and abilities they stop working or something similar, these malfunctions are caused by the Server's Core. I also seen in the damage, sometimes the damage is increased or decreased. My frost strike doing (in strange case like you said 1/10) with main hand 150K and off-hand 75K without Berseking effect, burst or any increment damage and using Dual Wielding. And being hitting by Warriors with Burst hit me 10k with Mortal Strike without any damage reduction. I don't have evidence about this rare failures.
Nice! You're right with math, this Ability do a lot damage, but the disadvantage is, it's a Physical damage, so this attack must pass by two things: Player's Armor Player's Resilience Namely 300k (critic) of dmg 300*.3(70% resilience)*.6(40% armor) (* (another damage reduction)) = 54k against players (critic) I think the Armor Part isn't work because = 90k (with resilience) damage deal against players without armor, and this is the damage to players = 54k (with armor)