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Everything posted by sotoh

  1. I think that this occurs due to: -The normal rule of critics: 2x normal damage. -Plus http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=61455/runic-focus which cause double damage on spells critical hits. It means that the critic damage is 4x. -XD seems a lot but is my personal explanation for this bug. Correct me if I'm wrong. 35k normal damage and 130k-140k crit
  2. Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=724/lightwell#summons Problem Any time when Lightwell is casted, the lightwell do nothing, when the friendly target below to 50% of his health, lightwell don't heal the closer target of the lightwell. How it must Work The lightwell must heal targets with health at below of 50% and must be closer of the lightwell. Date May 1, 2014 Realm PandaWow FunPVP Priority 9/10
  3. Halo's Animation Bugged, th effect work correctly, but there is no animation Animation Link:
  4. Confirmed, tha spell says: "The spell is not available for you"
  5. Confirmed, the glyph do: nothing
  6. Confirmed, heal a lot of targets!!!
  7. Also the Death Strike becomes frost and unholy runes into Death runes, without the passive of http://www.wowwiki.com/Blood_Rites That's Occurs if you have choosed Frost or Unholy Specialization.
  8. Comfirmed!, only works until you depleted all runes, then you can use it, and when you use in a target with 2 diseases only restore 1 rune as death rune instead 2 runes. Tested on Realm Fun. Should work when you have depleted two runes and you have diseases actives on the target. Here a sample at 2:22
  9. Confirmed on PandaWOW Fun PVP, sometimes i forgot to change my presence to get the Improved Frost Presence, and my FS cost 35 RP!!!!!!!! That's is a great Slow DPS, only cast two FS!
  10. Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=50041/chilblains The Talent: "Victims of your Frost Fever disease are Chilled, reducing movement speed by 50% for 10 sec, and your Chains of Ice immobilizes targets for 3 sec". The Problem: The Part of "and your Chains of Ice immobilizes targets for 3 sec" don't work as should be, when i cast Chains of ice on my target, he is immobilizie for few seconds but when the target rooted receive any damage, the immobilizie effect ends immediately. How Should Work: When cast Chains of ice on any target the immobilize effect must keep on the target if he has been received damage or not, namely, the effect have to keep for the full duration (3 Secs XD). Changes: Since Cataclysm this effect suffered no changes. Realm: PandaWOW Fun PVP Date: 29/04/2014 Srry for no use evidence, because this bug occurs so fast. Priority 10/10
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