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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. For last 2 days i've been working on this problem. Now http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge uses other Movement algorithms and it seems to be fine. It charges to target, not to coordinates where target was when you used http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge. So, at the moment even if target has sprint and he is running out, you will get him with your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge. Now we're working on blizzlike path calculation, to fix bugs when warrior running to the second floor of arena in wind.
  2. Declined, no proofs, no calculations. Only words and random damage from arena.
  3. Zeox


    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  4. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  5. I've said Neff to check this report and find proofs.
  6. Rating removed:
  7. Было исправлено.
  8. I can fix this, but i must understand how reflected spell damage should be calculated. I see bug, but i don't know how it must calculate damage.
  9. Yes, it's serious bug, now i don't need to ask devs, i can do it myself. So - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182528&p=1187187&viewfull=1#post1187187
  10. Fixed, will be applied after update. Now if target has full diminishing - you will get IMMUNITY spell result and diminishing counter won't be resetted. I've done some tests on my local server and it seems to be blizzlike. Even if you will spam CC to IMMUNITY, after 18 second (from last not immuned spell) your spell will hit succesfully because diminishing will end.
  11. New list, all banned and rating removed:
  12. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  13. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  14. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  15. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  16. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  17. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  18. Zeox

    [Leyara's Locket]

    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  19. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  20. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  21. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  22. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  23. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  24. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления.
  25. Why you are so self-confident? Why do you think that we should do all what you say? What if Autschbatsch write something like "Hey, Zeox, ban Adlairo and remove his rating, he is wintrading, trust me, i don't have any proofs, but i know that he is!". I should ban you and remove rating? He even has gladiator title, so i can trust him more than you. If you don't stop writing this about any proofs, i will start ignoring your messages.
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