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Everything posted by dotadoom

  1. Hello, sorry if I am late but I haven't been active recently. Nevertheless you made me run through my whole screenshots folder :D Krayton, DK [Full] http://s28.postimg.org/t3xwjadq5/Wo_WScrn_Shot_111115_003519.jpg Kraykz, Rogue [Full] http://s10.postimg.org/huesnn0g7/Wo_WScrn_Shot_042815_131325.jpg Krayon, Lock [Full] http://s8.postimg.org/3sz9d8svp/Wo_WScrn_Shot_070214_002229.jpg Theza, Monk http://s22.postimg.org/bi038qk1d/Wo_WScrn_Shot_020615_154509.jpg PS all my chars are on Fun realm
  2. 7.5/10 (I don't undestand the language but the girl has a nice voice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wVCl_784Ck
  3. @pujo2 you are breaking the rules you should wait your turn, rate the song above you (0-10), then post a single song and wait for someone else to rate it. Let me refresh 7/10 since I don't understand the lyrics but the guy raps well and I will continue with my pvp hype list
  4. 10/10 Nigel :D now for some hype shit
  5. 7/10 dude's good but let me /genre swtich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-2nByd2cr4
  6. 6/10 - not bad but there's only one slim (shady) rapper for me
  7. He's my favourite Marvel Character for so many years now. I've read a lot of comics and my favourite ones are when he destroyes a few universes along with all the heroes inside hah. He's just the guy who gets shit done in an effectie and funny way and regading the movie - I check everyday for tickets availability on 4DX (still nothing out yet though :( )
  8. could you also paste macros and addons plzzzzz
  9. http://new3.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Blank+_8ee552dad923964b1dcffb05486592ac.gif Oh my, some hardcore mlg there
  10. http://i62.tinypic.com/35k3ijb.gif
  11. dotadoom

    Shadow Blades

    I got what you wrote. I was just mind-blown by the fact of that kind of bugs even exist......
  12. dotadoom

    Shadow Blades

  13. lol, maybe you were running and jumped while being frozen? idk, or maybee it's #justpandawowthings; either way, at least you have a LB ticking
  14. whenever this is reported I remmember my tyrannical warlock
  15. dotadoom

    Shadow Blades

  16. dotadoom

    Bug monk speed

    common bug with all speed modifiers for example use rogue Sprint in town and when the duration shows "0 sec" immediately log out, then log back in and kabam! you have a permanent speed bonus until another effect comes in anyway, as long as you don't abuse it and make it by mistake it shouldn't be bannable imo
  17. In this case CD is good, yes, but it usually only delays the inevitable. "The best defense is a good offense" But in the end, you don't need to defend against a marked for dead target :wink: (rogues in MOP eat anything that has no trinket)
  18. feint is basically an extra 43% hp (1/0.7) if you keep it up when you have to CD is more like a "nope, I will die after 2sec instead". Kinda worthless for decent rogues. I mean if CD activates and you don't have a healer it means you're pretty much f-ed up
  19. woah, a -1% christmas promo; better hurry up and buy it now!
  20. dotadoom


    at least it did not crit
  21. I quote under "Spell Details" http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=164465/intimidating-shout School Physical Dispel type n/a http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=64044/psychic-horror School Shadow Dispel type Magic stop spamming the forum with useless reports that lack any kind of proof /thread
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