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Everything posted by dotadoom

  1. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12846/mastery-ignite and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=11129/combustion DOT damage 2. Are affected by resilience twice, making them deal 5 times less damage in pvp 3. Should be afected by resilience only one time 4. Fun 5. 9/10 (it's over 25% of Fire Mage's PvP damage missing after all..) SS http://s23.postimg.org/725ydupuj/Wo_WScrn_Shot_101115_024415.jpg ^you can see my mastery is over 25% and yet Ignite did only 5% of Scorch's damage (same with Combustion DOT)
  2. I give you a medal if you win a 1v1 on that
  3. after they fix this rogues will be literally able to one-shot someone in open world pvp
  4. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image only unstealths people in your area. Hello? Have you seen retail gameplay? It must keep classes permenantly out of stealth during it's duration... what's the point of unstealting ability if target can vanish? pls fix PS Also the third part of the spell written with mini font size (next to the unstealthing effect) that says "Allows mages to fly in arenas and bgs." isn't working.. I hope they implement it soon
  5. DMG is legit. Your calcs are missing the fact that dummies have 20-25% armor as well (plus I bet you are comparing min dmg on a dummy vs max dmg on a player)
  6. dude you can even transmog a dagger into bow here..
  7. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/210/888/1322794088001.jpg
  8. I used to have it once on my hunter (wasn't just visual - had all it's freeze skills as well). But it was gone after rr and I don't know how to reproduce the bug..
  9. rofl.. in this private server? why use dijkstra's algorithm when you can just move through walls and do 0 calculations
  10. dotadoom


    yeah, I mean it's not even in the tooltip whatsoever. Sounds more like bug/latency problem (also it wasn\t 0.5sec it was more like 0.1). Bladestorm is meant to make you immune to cc and not to break them
  11. and you made this thread to brag? http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/43764224.jpg
  12. Mistake section No follow rules Closed.
  13. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108416/sacrificial-pact + Healing PvP power 2. Healing PvP power doesn't increase the shield effect of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108416/sacrificial-pact 3. Healing PvP power should increase the shield effect of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108416/sacrificial-pact (source/discussion/proof - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11423292730?id=5) 4. 10/09/2015 5. Fun realm 6. 6/10
  14. not super crucial for dk/mages but it is for demo locks and it pretty much kills BM Hunters as well
  15. bump, even hunter pets are unafected by pvp power...
  16. I see mages are the new trend atm (before there was a period of Monk and Hunters)
  17. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image oh, hi there fellow http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1784/stealth
  18. Why do they even make changes before testing? Like literally, this is total bs...
  19. Why do you think blizzard allows client side hacking? It's nice to enforce your subscribers to pay for unban or another account after they get banned. This, however is not applicable on private servers and there are no good (up-to-date) anti-hack tools as far as I know. No other solution than dealing with it; plus this is only a problem on fun server since players start 90 with 496 ilvl gear. PS I like when I join a flag bg and there's a speed hacker in the enemy team; we still win over 1/3 of the games since those players are gankable (mostly nooby kids who came for the troll) and predictable if you are quick enough
  20. http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Your+mom+_bac9a35fe521f54d0a4f91e441308369.gif var hacks = findAllWoWHacksOnUserPcOrMac(); if(hacks) { banUser(); }
  21. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124916/chaos-wave
  22. ^ the links he provided are npc (monster) skills :crazy:
  23. basically, lock's pets here take your stats at the moment of spawning.So if you pop all bursts (macro mastery intelect and stuff) and spawn your pet it will have everything scaled. Mount + fly up, then go down works too since it respawns your pet. However in arenas the only way would be to spawn it once you have your stats high. 2 bugs though: -these stats will remain until the pet respawns (making it really powerful if you spawn it the right way) -pvp power doesn't increase pet's damage so in general pets are useless for fighting in pvp; you only use them for utility spells and you might be better off with GOS imo, since it gives demo locks 25% increased damage
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