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Everything posted by Deathskin

  1. Aight, got it. (I'm never invited to anything) Feelsbadman :cry::cry:
  2. Well whatever dude, sorry for ruining the moment. Just wanted to say what I was thinking guess that was dumb of me. Being mr.niceguy can be a bad thing sometimes I guess. I still think I'm right and you shouldn't post other peoples pictures on websites but yeah I'll gtfo and go play chess. U were much nicer ingame chiv, guess that was just an act or naw?
  3. If showing peoples faces on the internet and laughing at them is having a sense of humor then I'm glad I don't have one according to you. Also do not know why having a slight care for other people other than myself makes me a white knight... :/
  4. Just wanna say yall doing some mean shit to the actual people on the the photos... (carry on, don't wanna cause any probs)
  5. This!!! Just add an ilvl requirement it would fix all of this crap and time wasting of scrolling through grievous chars
  6. It doesnt matter if there are 15000 there, look at it now! There are still like 1 billion chars there and only 3 are good. There are people with 3 days played on really good characters but they can't sell them because of the 7 days+. I don't want to afk on 1 char until it has 7 days or 5 days. I'd honestly rather not.
  7. I want to talk about the acquired playtime to sell a character. Right now it's 7 days+ which many and I think is a completely outrageous. I got my shaman to 550 in 2 weeks which was about 2 days of playtime as I only log in on it for arenas and capping. Now that I want to sell it and have already been given alot of offers I can't because I have to play on it 24/7 to get to that playtime. So what I'm asking ''JUSTER'' is to decrease the required playtime to sell a character I think 2 days+ would make it all better, please atleast think about it.
  8. Yeah, I want this fixed. Playing on my monk which is 2.2kcr atm (gasx if you don't believe me) Not having this awsome spell for rouge/mage paladin/hunter paladin/rouge etc etc is a real shame. It would make things easier and more balanced I would say. If you're not going to fix other bugs which cause havoc might aswell fix this one which causes nothing..
  9. Hope to see you come back soon m8, you're a really good player, was really fun q'ing with u. (you forgot minpojke XD, unless you didn't enjoy q'ing with him.)
  10. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=91405 Let's all just laugh at this XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  11. Well, that was a good read :appl: This community isn't toxic at all :appl: Edit: I don't see why you're all raging honestly, you're all good players overall losing to eachother is bound to happen. Doesnt mean you should brag about farming the person. Sure some comps shit on other comps but instead of crying about it why don't you just q the same comp rofl? Sure LSD LSD2 etc etc are cancer comps and I think there's something wrong with locks on this server (idk) but LSD was a cancer comp in retail aswell but it was beatable. #fixmonkbubble #fixmonkrjw
  12. Do you even read my statement? ''If you're not going to fix these bugs might aswell remove the map'' You think I don't like this map? Without the bugs this map would be my favourite! It has so many good LoS spots and is a great map overall but with these bugs it's just completely impossible. Think about it, when you fall down and respawn back in the middle, your dps has to either kite away from the enemy or pillar them which makes him pillar and kite from you and it gives the enemy more chance to cc you and kill the target, so you basically have to really force a trinket or you will lose (also because the map is so big it causes frustration when you get cced in the middle and you have to struggle to get to your dps) (unless it's a warrior). It's completely outrageous and stupid. I love this map, I woud like to keep it if they could just for once actually listen to this community and fix the important stuff.
  13. Many hate this map because of the abuse of making healers who try to LoS fall through the map. The bug happens when you get disoriented, can be either by: Blind,polymorph,DB=Dragons breath, Scatter shot etc etc. This has caused alot of people to lose for no reason at all because when you spawn back in the middle of the map retards will abuse it and instantly cc you and make u force a trinket or lose. It's completely bullshit and if you're not going to fix this might aswell remove the map completely.
  14. When are u planning to fucking fix this? Do you even know how annoying this shit is? It makes u unable to LoS as a healer and even when u come back after falling 1 billion miles idiots will abuse it and cc you when you come back. This is really important and should have been fixed the first time it was discovered. Are you even working on fixing this? Because if you aren't what the actual fuck.
  15. Seeing all these MW using rjw all the time just makes me laugh. They run out of mana in 1m and they don't even mana tea. People like this fucking salie, backpeddling while spamming rjw and having 10k mana the entire game. Then when he loses he blames his dps XD. The best mw on this server is prob Kiiwi atm though I think he's getting carried by reavers idk, I spectated him a little and he seems smart has great positioning and knows what he's doing. People like salie in the other hand is just ''facepalm'' fix rjw and lets see if this guy stays where he is atm... Might aswell fix dk necro while you're at it :D (Finnaly stops being a hypocrit about dk dmg after quitting dk rofl) Just fucking watch this! Skip to 59:20 http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/19906325 Noneed and laser giving this backpeddling scrub what he deserves.. and his backpeddling warrior lmfao
  16. That's only for transfering to a different account, please read my title before u post something.
  17. X100 players should be able to transfer their characters to the FUN realm and only x100 chars. FUN wont be able to transfer to x100. Is that possible? I really want that to happen as I want to transfer one of my chars to the FUN realm because I only PVP and I don't want to create or buy a new char to do so.
  18. Kiiwii doesn't use this, probably one of the most legit good monks out there
  19. Nvm keeping the monk close this thread please.
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