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Everything posted by JohnnyPoozang

  1. Warrior arms... too many fk gap closers and mobility for a spec with so huge dps and so good offensive and defensive cds. Shield wall is a joke, rotfl... really? the warrior switches from a two-handed weapon to one in one hand plus a shield and no damage penalty? The fact a warrior can sit in a 40% damage reduction and still bursting like nothing happened it's totally bull""". Every other class when going defensive must sacrifice at least the damage (rpally spamming Wog, dks spamming Death strike or deathcoil+lichborne, enha shamans using mw stacks only to heal), but I guess warriors are special. I'm actually surprised blizz didn't give warriors a legendary this exp, like they did to rogues in cata. uh and lol I had forgotten they can also sit on a 25% passive dmg reduction all along, while reckstorming ur team to death.
  2. Sorry but this is not true: the damage with a two-handed weapon is only a bit better, but still lower than the damage you are supposed to be doing. Plus this bug should be 11/10 priority, as it makes a spec unplayable. Fix it soon please!!!
  3. Hi, the issue isn't with Tigereye brew (I do 150k Rising sun kicks with all cds up), but with the abilities damage calculation starting from weapons equipped. The damage while dual wielding is crap whereas with a two-handed weapon is a bit better, but still lower than it should be. For now WW monk is unplayable for competitive PvP, like many other specs :(
  4. this bug was also on retail for a long time, I don't think they will fix it on here. - - - Updated - - - He's not completely wrong, warriors along with mages are one of the most fixed classes at the moment, while there are a lot of specs that are completely unplayable (windwalker, enhancement, feral, demonology). It's all about priority, and I don't think a 10k less damage would be more important than making other classes at least playable.
  5. Finally someone of the staff! Would you please tell me if there is a way to contact devs appointed to bug fixing and bug tracker check? thanks in advance
  6. Feral is broken, true, their bleeds do way less damage than even warrior's Deep wounds (stupidest addition in MoP). But maybe you should write a better and more detailed thread, as I don't think devs would do anything with this one.
  7. True, thanks for writing this thread, finally someone did. But you should also write that dodge and parry chance are broken too, with a meele vs warriors or death knights 3/4 of your attacks will be parried or maybe dodged, regardless of the expertise you have. This is one of the most annoying bug ever. You can't even burst with Ascendance with enha, because your Stormblast vs a meele class will be 4/5 of the times dodged, parried or maybe even missing with hit cap.
  8. me too yesterday!... I don't really know what's up with this server... sometimes I'm not even in the first ten in terms of damage in Bgs, but yesterday I placed first 3 times in a row. I'm not sure, but Elemental blast seems to benefit from unleash flame, although the buff isn't consumed. I need to do more tests though.
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78794&p=596362#post596362 Vote this thread up please so they shall finally fix enhancement for good!!!
  10. I don't know, I hope soon. There isn't a way to contact devs here? or to tag them?
  11. these are arcane mages, ice lance isn't esclusive to frost mages only. However yes, this server isn't so bugged, but I think the devs and the staff should try to better communicate with players. 5.4.8 update for example remains a mystery, there are only a few voices that say they will upgrade this week or month, but nothing official. The bugtracker also is a mess, it would be better to reorganize the section and exhort players in making a better description of the bugs and glitchs so they can be adressed faster. Certain bug threads give gooseflesh, but the thing that worries me more is the fact there are a lot of almost completely broken specs or classes, and still the only threads I see in the bugtracker are for lesser bugs without any kind of importance. For example in the monk section, there are threads about touch of karma and stuff, that yes, it's important, but far more important is to fix first all the damage dealt by WW monks that sucks right now and makes it unplayable. There is like a lack of sense of priority, that's why I'm worried certain classes or specs will be fixed only within a very long time.
  12. I know, but is a lesser bug compared to the ones I wrote above. The devs should concentrate their efforts to major bugs first, don't you agree? Beside there is a much major problem with Elemental blast than the one you are talking about: the fact it doesn't benefit of the 30% damage increase of unleash flame! Not only enha, but all the shaman class is a mess right now!
  13. First of all, I want to apologize for the grammatical errors you may find, because english isn't my mother tongue. I decided to write this thread because I'm tired of the situation of enhancement shaman and as well as other few specs, that are completely unplayable at least in PvP(demonology, windwalker, to name a few). With this thread I want to illustrate the enhancement bugs on detail, hoping the staff will fix them as soon as possible, because is a pity such a beautiful and fun spec should be as broken as it is at the moment. So, here are the bugs: 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8232/windfury-weapon: this ability is the signature spell of the enha spec since vanilla and here is completely broken: despite what's is written on the 10th and 11th changelog, it's still bugged. The bonus attack power is not added to the extra 3 attacks (the last ones are equal to white damage), resulting in an important dps loss vs cloth and leather classes. Plus, if you cast Windfury over a two handed weapon, it won't proc at all. PS: I noticed that if you imbue your off-hand with Windfury instead of your main-hand, the damage seems better, but it's still lower than it should be. 2)http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77657: this passive ability is even more crucial for enha than windfury. The problem with this ability is that the stacks are generated upon searing totem bolts hits, but the damage of Lava lash is not increased. For every stack of searing flames, the damage should be increased by 20%, for a total of 100% increased damage. In my opinion this ability should be on high priority, because almost all the damage outside burst for enha comes from Lava lash, and right now, it hits like a wet noodle. PS: The stacks are generated for resto and ele specs too, isn't that important, but it's still a bug. 3)http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51530 : this is far more important to be addressed for than every other bugged ability, because on this one lies the survivability of the entire spec. The problem with it is that the proc chance is lower than it should be. In a duel or so, in like 1 minute fights you will hardly get all the 5 stacks you need to heal yourself, or to deal damage with elemental blast. The stacks are hard to get even if you reforge full haste. I didn't find any reliable source to what the proc rate should be, although on Wowwiki, it's shown that should be around 25 ppm while dual-wielding http://www.wowwiki.com/Maelstrom_Weapon 4)http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114049: enha most reliable thing to carry in PvP in Mysts of Pandaria is broken, yes. I don't know for sure what's the matter, but the thing for sure is that http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115356/stormblast#modifies damage and auto-attacks damage (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114089/wind-lash#triggered-by and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114093/wind-lash-off-hand) are lower than it should be. To test out these claims, you can compare enha's Ascendance auto-attacks damage to the damage of rogue's Shadow blades ones. In fact the damage seems equal here, but it shouldn't be like that, for two reasons: 1) shamans equip 2 slow weapons of 2.6 speed, while rogues have 1.8 speed daggers, this means shamans auto-attacks should do more damage per swing than rogue's (attention: we are talking about auto-attacks while in Shadow blades http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121471/shadow-blades and Ascendance, so armor is ignored!) 2) shamans have mastery that increases all the frost, fire and nature damage dealt, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223, and, seeing that auto-attacks in Ascendance deal pure nature damage, they should benefit from mastery! As seen above therefore, enha's auto-attacks in Ascendance shouldn't be doing less or equal damage to rogue's ones in Shadow blades. (on equal gear, obviously; plus if the rogue is sublety, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=79147/sanguinary-vein isn't enough to overcome the two factors I depicted above. (Enhancement mastery scales extremely well, in Tyrannical gear you will have about 48%-50% mastery)) Then, Stormblast damage too isn't as it should be: on my enha with 510 item level, with Grievous weapons, it hits for 40-45k (over players) and I have 52% mastery. If you do the maths, you will have a Stormblast damage of about 30k without any mastery and this isn't possible, because this last number is the damage dealt by Stormstrike that doesn't ignore any armor! So obviously mastery isn't working as intended! According to all I wrote above, mastery doesn't affect Stormblast and Auto-attacks when in Ascendance, leaving enha without the only thing it had to be proud of in PvP, above all other classes: the burst. I hope this will not be ignored by the staff, for questions or clarifications you can contact me and I will be pleased to answer. To all the enha lovers outa here: VOTE THIS UP!!! so maybe we can have our beloved spec fixed in a few weeks! PS: all these bugs were found on the FUN server to the date 17/07/2014 JohnnyPoozang
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