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Everything posted by frooty

  1. edited it
  2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31661 2) should DR with polymorph 3) does NOT dr with ANYTHING AT ALL. 4) 10/3/2014 5) 10/10 infinite cc chain abusing by all mages
  3. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=89646/glyph-of-healing-storm 2) Each application of Maelstrom Weapon also increases your direct healing done by 20%. 3) Does not increase the healing per stack. Does not work AT ALL. 4) 10/2/2014 5) Realm 10x, 100x, FUN 6) 10/10 needed for enhancement survivability, as healing is doing roughly 20k
  4. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6603/auto-attack 2) Should attack when player uses right click on a target, when selected off of the target it should not attack given target. 3) If you use an auto attack, it will bug out, even when you deselect the target it will continue to auto attack. This includes scattershot at times. 4) 10/2/2014 5) 6/10 important for hunters, happens sometimes.
  5. 1) http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gladius-v3 2) Should show the enemy team BEFORE the arena starts, including the specialization. Used to work in 5.4.2 A LITTLE BIT, sometimes you couldn't see the whole team 3) Doesn't show any frames AT ALL, during the arena frames are bugged out and do not work. The basic frames don't work, neither do Addons unit frames 4) 10/2/2014 --- Never working on this server since 5.0.5.. 5) 20 /10 - Arena frames ARE THE MOST important part in the arena environment, and needs to be fixed. Please fix this, really important in improving your server as a whole :heart:
  6. frooty

    [Spell] Starfall

    1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48505/starfall 2) AOE, SHOULD NOT HIT STEALTHED UNITS. 3) hits stealthed units soon as they are in ranged through line of sight 4) 10/2/2014 5) FUN, 100x, 10x 6) 10/10 Druids use it at the beggining of a match, perhaps 3v3 game, and if a rogue, feral start in stealth they are revealed.. HUGE disadvantage to the opposing team
  7. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116/frostbolt 2) CAN BE SILENCED. And should stop the frostbolt's cast 3) All silences/shocks DO NOT stop frostbolt's cast and continues to cast 4) 10/2/2014 5) 100x, FUN, 10x 6) 8/10 Frostbolt cannot be sheered, kicked, pummeled, and many more. This affects ALL classes who face mages
  8. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    1)http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=15286/vampiric-embrace 2)"causing you and your allies to be healed for 50% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal" 3) The healing is NOT split between team mates, and is 100% healed without the glyph 4) 10/2/2014 5)FUN, 100x 6) 10/10 Instant heal to full with dots on multiple targets.
  9. ^ i know that, but because tea is bugged its much worse..
  10. lol, this post is dead :(
  11. 10/10 doesn't work, also this applies to ALL classes, higher priority
  12. or they just completely ignore english forums?
  13. ^, monks are bugged to the max, orb spam for like 200k with no mana problems because mana tea is bugged which cant even be silenced/shocked.. cant even purge the stacks.
  14. always 20 stacks infinite proc healing orbs not affected by battlefatigue.. this is a compeletly bugged class and needs fixing
  15. Mastery isn't fixed yet It does not include the 10% base mastery Ex: I have 20% mastery (10% base + 10%), if I heal 100k I should be getting 20K absorb, but instead I get 10k absorb. Also on a side note, I noticed the bubbles don't stack
  16. when i was playing 2s for a bit i ran into a few abusers: Bastrieu and Yoruichix who have stormlash totem on NO cooldown, over and over. perhaps using WPE or something, but they are on the top of arena ladders because of abusing this totem without a cooldown. please take a look into how to fix it. There are reports but are always discontinued or closed..
  17. LEL ^ ^ ^
  18. frooty

    Fun Realm idea's

    ^ yes
  19. frooty

    Fun Realm idea's

    lets report him like how he reports everyone else
  20. they don't fix anything.
  21. frooty

    Fun Realm idea's

    agree with 1-4, 6
  22. devs are all sleeping they arnt going to fix anything for the next 12 hrs ..
  23. that is spirit bond lol.
  24. we're talking PVP here. not pve
  25. this is prolly going to get closed in the next 5 mins, so type what you can! :troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1::troll1:
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