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Everything posted by frooty

  1. why add legendaries when everyone already oneshot each other since resil doesnt work lol
  2. http://www.wowhead.com/guide=1100/buffs-and-debuffs What is currently happening: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109773/dark-intent and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1459/arcane-brilliance (for example) stack with each other and give 20% spell power. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19506/trueshot-aura and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113742/swiftblades-cunning (gives 10% attackpower in mop) stack giving 20% attack power *ALL BUFFS STACK. NOT JUST ABOVE.* how it should be: If you have for example http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1126 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116781 you SHOULD ONLY GET :increasing Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5% and critical strike chance by 5%. 200/10 makes everyones damage REALLY HIGH, and this is why one of the reasons why damage is so high on this server
  3. frooty


    there are multiple ones here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=108012&p=743189#post743189 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=102077 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=102872 (all buffs stack not only spell power, this includes 10% attack power from warriors/rogues/ etc
  4. frooty


    Zeox: You need to use the following pets which every hunter specifically uses to stack 10500 mastery ,5% crit and 25% healing reduction : 1 Spirit Beast, tallstrider, Cat, (Each give 3500 mastery which increases a total of 10500 mastery because you can stack mastery on this server, (another major bug) 1 Hyena for 5% crit chance 1 T-rex (Tyrannosaurus) for 25% healing reduction BM hunter mastery: increases pet damage.. So when these hunters abuse these specific pets they gain 10500 mastery making ALL of there pets and their pets special attacks do EXTRA damage Also when you learn the pet you have to pick ferocity on all of them and put auto on special attack Most of the hunters on this server do this. It gives the whole RAID PARTY these buffs. So when you're in arena they kill you in 2 hits by giving their whole party 10500 mastery
  5. bump.
  6. frooty

    English Realm

    me too..
  7. 1 ) Объятия вампира 2 ) " в результате чего вы и ваши союзники , чтобы исцелиться за 50% от какого-либо одного - мишени от заклинаний темной магии , наносимый " 3 ) Исцеление слишком много , и не делает раскол лечить в партии , так что каждый получает исцелил большие суммы 4 ) 9/1/2014 5 ) FUN , 100x , 10x 6 ) 10/10 мгновенных лечить в полном объеме с точками на несколько целей . i report this on english forums but no one cares about english so i used google translate
  8. bump still bugged 2 hander
  9. dampening affects monks, its because enveloping mists is bugged and they aren't fixing it
  10. what does it say? Does it say anything in chat, do you have deserter
  11. great repitch :) Bump for juster!
  12. 1)Vampiric Embrace 2)"causing you and your allies to be healed for 50% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal" 3) Healing too much, and doesnt split heal in the party so everyone gets healed big amounts 4) 9/1/2014 5)FUN, 100x, 10x 6) 10/10 Instant heal to full with dots on multiple targets.
  13. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=15286/vampiric-embrace it is healing 40k for every tick, It is bugged and heals the whole team for full HP. Please fix this major bug all shadowpreists are abusing this needs a hotfix please you can test yourself the heal is bugged!!! Thanks
  14. frooty

    English Realm

    make english realm and everyone will play on this server
  15. bump.
  16. same on FUN realm please fix
  17. mondays and fridays
  18. fix vampiric embrace first please
  19. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    trying to make it simple. They use google translate to know what we are saying
  20. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=15286/vampiric-embrace heals TOO MUCH and is bugged 10/2/2014 Fun/100x/10x 10/10 Heals WAY TOO MUCH
  21. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    bump still bugged... juster doenst fix anything important.
  22. make the picture bigger please
  23. this is a useless post.. only report people that are hacking and abusing things
  24. lol this is not bannable, they added this instant cast thingy everyone is using in arenas, i think ive seen you using it aswell.. so dont report others
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